Syed Owais Noor (Syed-Owais-Noor)


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Syed Owais Noor's repositories


It's a guessing number game built on visual studio 2019 and uses assembly as its programming language. In this project I have generated a random number after that I'm checking the user input with the random number if its less than the random number then I'm printing less the message if the number is greater then I'm printing greater than the message and if the number is equal to the random number then I'm printing you have to guess the number message but remember one thing the user will be having certain life in which he has to guess the number otherwise he will lose the game



In this project I had to compare 3 algorithm's on the bases of there execution time. There are 3 AI algorithm's which were assign to me in these algorithm's two are uninform and one is inform. And the names of the algorithm's are: 1-DFS, 2-UCS, and A*

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0


It's a template which is having AI robots and there companies info and is the updated version of AI-website-template-1



This is the code of flippy bird game made by using C sharp language and OOP concepts. One thing file handling was not working properly I have correct it but still it's not working then you can correct. If can't then just remove the file read and write function except these two functions the hole code and all its functions are correct and is working properly. If you don't believe me then go on clone and download the files and then run it you will see the result. One thing more please like and subscribe to my channel so I carry on to share source code with you guys and you can make your project easily. So please gives a big thumbs up to my video and subscribe my channel. Allah Hafiz



It's a template for an e-commerce site



In this project, we are scraping the data of a hadith website with the help of the following libraries: 1. Selenium 2. Webdriver_manager 3. Time 4. CSV 5. Re 6. Request We have also performed to RE in this project: 1. To find Arabic number 2. To count hadith in a similar book And our goal is to create 4 CSV files named 1. Master file 2. Narrator file 3. Reference file 4. Hadith count in reference file All of them have different data but have one column in common which is the Manual Hadith number which will make searching possible in different files because all the data of these files is interconnected with each other. We are using python as our programming language and the software or we can say the text editor that we are using for the compilation of our program is mentioned under the stack info heading of this report. Further, we have described almost all the functionality of our code under the methodology heading and have attached three test case images of our project under the three test cases heading

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


It's a template which is having AI robots and there companies info



I'm solving the city problem of AI by using DFID (Depth First Iterative Deepening). The graph in the code is created after watching this picture

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


It's an android app which idea is to provide citizen of pakistan a knowledge of there laws. This app two side one is user and second is admin. The queries that will be ask by the user will be answer by admin from the admin side.



In the ipynb file I'm running multiple ML classifier and regression algorithm's

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


In this project, I'm searching a number in an array by making multiple threads or we can say I'm searching a number in an array by performing parallel computing



This is the code of puzzle game made by using C sharp language and OOP concepts. In this game you are having certain moves according to the level and you have to arrange the puzzle within those moves by watching pictures each level have different puzzle with its picture.One thing more you have to create a database and connect it with this project to remove the issues



In this project, I have made a server on console, clients on window form, and relays on console also and using sockets library. The whole project is made on c-sharp. In the project, I'm sending and receiving messages between clients and the server but the message should go through relays first multi timing and the order should be different each time so we cannot track the message. To achieve that we have to generate a random number and when that random number reaches zero then the message should be broadcast to the server and from there to every client of the environment.
