SwapnilYC / F3_ShoppingCartProject_06_05_2023

This is the HTML5, CSS3, And Vanilla Javascript project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the HTML5, CSS3, And Vanilla Javascript project

We’ll be creating a simple shopping cart application using html,css and Advanced JS concepts. The topics we’ll cover include promises, async await , using storage APIs and basic API calls while also dealing with complex DOM Manipulations.

Here’s a list of features that this project includes and you’ll be graded on these points -

  1. Signup and login handle using local storage - multiple users - if not logged in don’t let the person enter the shop or my cart or profile - 20 Marks
  2. Fetching of products using api - in the shop page - you can save the products in localstorage as well (Hint) - 20 Marks
  3. Filter of items - based on name (search bar), price and rating (sidebar) + (filtering based on colour and size is for bonus - not mandatory but optional ) - 20 Marks (+ 10 Bonus)
  4. Shopping cart handle using localstorage (Adding and removing items) - 10 Marks
  5. Checkout functionality of my cart - after razorpay.open() delete myCart items and remove it. - 10 Marks
  6. Profile page - show data taken using signup and allow user to edit it. - 10 Marks
  7. Basic html+css animations and styling will be tested too - 10 Marks

Google Doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KxmrO2DbM7pGqlBpn2cvpcoh-XoGtLoy3vihVyImZRE/edit Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/0LzO7mD7G9JDYXbaOK8wuI/Shopping-Cart-Contest?node-id=0%3A1&t=YOclG9pB48jKYKMl-1


This is the HTML5, CSS3, And Vanilla Javascript project


Language:JavaScript 47.0%Language:CSS 32.9%Language:HTML 20.1%