SwapnilYC / F3-March-Contest_02_March_22_2023

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Overview (100 Marks) Task:-------------->

  1. Create a weather api app and handle 2 api calls. By default the user lands on the landing screen which just shows the fetch data button.
  2. On clicking the fetch data button, first the geolocation api returns the lat and long and displays a google map of the current location. Then the weather data section shows, where all the details provided in the api response are handled.
  3. Use the geolocation API to get your current laptop's lat and long.
  4. use https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-3 api to get the weather via the lat and long provided by the geolocation api.
  5. Follow the given figma link to make the UI, also show it in google maps, again as shown in the UI

Figma Link https://www.figma.com/file/UOp1Sb5LIXcWfwy0U0PFmN/Untitled?node-id=0-1

Marking Scheme Geolocation API (20 points) Weather API (50 points) Functionality (20 points) Deployment (10 points)



Language:JavaScript 47.6%Language:CSS 27.3%Language:HTML 25.1%