Swagger946 / Belajar-Dengan-Jenius-Golang

Buku Belajar Dengan Jenius Golang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Buku Belajar Dengan Jenius Golang

Table of Contents

Open Library Indonesia

Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Subchapter 1 – Komputer & Pemograman

       1. Computer Program
       2. Computation
       3. Computer Organization
            Input Unit
            Output Unit
            Memory Unit
            Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
            Central Processing Unit (CPU)
            Secondary Storage Unit
       4. Data Hierarchy
            Big Data
       5. Operating System
       6. Programming Language
       7. Programming Language Abstraction
             Machine Language 31
             Assembly Language 32
             High Level Language 33
             Compiled Language 35
             Interpreted Language
             Hybrid Language

Subchapter 2 – Kompiler & Interpreter

       1. Compiler
             Self-hosting Compiler 37
             Just-in-Time Compiler
       2. Interpreter
       3. Compilation Process
             Source Code
             Lexical Analyzer
             Syntax Analyzer
             Symbol Table
             Intermediate Code Generator
             Semantic Analyzer
             Code Generator
       4. Runtime Infrastructure
             JVM & CLR
             Two-stage Translation
             Object Code

Chapter 2 ✓

Setup Learning Environment ✓

Subchapter 1 – Visual Studio Code ✓

       1. Install Programming Language Support
       2. Install Keybinding
       3. Install & Change Theme Editor
       4. The File Explorer
       5. Search Feature
       6. Source Control
       7. Debugger
       8. Extension
             Auto Fold
             Path Intellisense
             VSCode Great Icons
             Better Comment
       9. The Terminal
             Menambah Terminal Baru
             Melakukan Split Terminal
             Mengubah Posisi Terminal
             Menghapus Terminal
       10. Zen Mode
       11. Display Multiple File
       12. Font Ligature

Subchapter 2 – Go Lang ✓

             1. Go Lang Installation
             2. Check Golang Version

Chapter 3 ✓

Mastering Go Lang ✓

Subchapter 1 – Introduction to Go Lang ✓

       1. Go is Compiled Language 86
             Static Linking
             Go Compiler
       2. Go is Safe Language
             Statically Typed & Type-safe Memory 88
             Garbage Collection
       3. Go is Multicore Programming

Subchapter 2 – Setup Go Lang ✓

       1. Configure GOPATH
             Setup GOPATH for Windows
             Setup GOPATH for MacOS
             Setup GOPATH for Linux
             Folder bin
             Folder pkg
             Folder src
       2. Go Compilation
       3. Go Execution
       4. Go Documentation
       5. Go Playground

Subchapter 3 – Go Program ✓

       1. Basic Structure
Package Name
Imported Package
       2. Comment
       3. Expression & Operator
             Operator Precedence
             Block of Code
             Operator & Operand
             Arithmetic Operator
             Arithmetic Operation
             Comparison Operator
             Logical Operator
             Assignment Operator
       4. String
       5. Rune
       6. Numbers
       7. Boolean
       8. Import Package
       9. Variable Declaration
             Reserved Words
             Naming Convention
             Case Sensitivity
             Var Keyword
             Constant Keyword
             Zero Value
             Short-Variable Declaration
             Multiple-variable Declaration

Subchapter 4 – Data Types ✓

       1. Apa itu Data?
       2. Apa itu Types?
       3. Apa itu Data Types?
             uint8 Case Study
             int8 Case Study
       4. Apa itu Strongly & Dynamically Typed?
       5. Go Data Types
             Numeric Data Types
             String Data Types
             Booleans Data Types
             Check Data Types
             Apa itu Stack & Heap?
      6. Data Types Conversion
             int To float64
             float64 To int
             Int To String
             String to Int
             String to Float
             Int to Int64

Subchapter 5 – Control Flow ✓

       1. Block Statements
       2. Conditional Statements
       3. Multiconditional Statement
      4. Switch Style

Subchapter 6 – Loop & Iteration ✓

       1. For Statement
       2. Range Statement
       3. Break Statement
       4. Continue Statement

Subchapter 7 – Function ✓

       1. Introduction to Function
             First Class Function
             First-class Citizen
             Higher-order Functions
             Function of Function
             Function Structure
       2. Practice Function
             Basic Function
             Function Parameter
             Function Arguments
             Function Return
             Function Multiple Return
             Function Named Return
             First-class Citizen
             Variadic Function
             Anonymous Function

Subchapter 8 – Error Handling ✓

       1. Syntax Error
             Missing Syntax
             Invalid Syntax
       2. Logical Error
       3. Runtime Error
       4. Error Package
             Log Package
             Fatal & Exit
       5. Panic & Recover

Subchapter 9 – Composite Types ✓

       1. Apa itu Pointer?
             Read Memory Address
             Pointer Variable
             Store Memory Address
             Access Pointer Variable
             Pointer As Parameter
             Passing By Value
             Passing By Pointer
             Nil Value
             Pointer Template String
       2. Struct
             Create Struct
             Declare Custom Type
             Read Struct Field
             Struct As Parameter
             Struct As Pointer
             Nested Struct
             Add Method to Struct
       3. Interface
             Evaluation – Learning Metrics

Subchapter 10 – Data Structure ✓

       1. Array
             Create Fixed-length Array
             Create Array with Ellipses
             Access Array Element
             Modify Array Element
             Read Array Length
             Looping Array
             Multidimensional Array
             Looping Multidimensional Array
       2. Slice
             Create Slice
             Create Sub-slice
             Low & High Expression
             Reference Type
             Append to Slice
             Copy Slice
             Looping Slice
       3. Map
             Create Map
             Check Map Types
             Read Map Length
             Add Element
             Read Element
             Modify Element
             Delete Element
             Looping Map
             Truncate Map
             Sorting Map By Key
             Sorting Map By Values
             Merging Map

Tentang Penulis


Buku Belajar Dengan Jenius Golang

License:MIT License