SvetlanaVinnichenko / ITWorld

Description: ITWorld is a comprehensive repository covering diverse IT topics and resources. Explore coding projects, algorithms, tech articles, and more to expand your knowledge in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

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Description: ITWorld is a comprehensive repository covering diverse IT topics and resources. Explore coding projects, algorithms, tech articles, and more to expand your knowledge in the ever-evolving IT landscape. Features:

Coding projects in various programming languages Algorithms and data structures implementations Tech articles and tutorials on web development, AI, cybersecurity, and more Tools and utilities for IT professionals Career resources and interview preparation guides Contributions: Welcome contributions from the IT community! Share your coding solutions, tech insights, or tools to benefit fellow developers and tech enthusiasts worldwide.

License: Apache License 2.0

Get Involved:

Fork the repository: git fork Create a new branch: git checkout -b new-branch-name Make your contributions Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add feature/fix" Push to the branch: git push origin new-branch-name Open a pull request and be part of the thriving ITWorld community!


Description: ITWorld is a comprehensive repository covering diverse IT topics and resources. Explore coding projects, algorithms, tech articles, and more to expand your knowledge in the ever-evolving IT landscape.