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My portfolio :)

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My portfolio

  • Development
  • Featured projects
    • JokeAPI TypeScript React Material UI Docusaurus Markdown Storybook vite Docker nginx Cloudflare GitHub Actions
      REST API that serves jokes in various formats, such as JSON, XML, and YAML. It also provides a web interface for users to interact with the API.
    • React, TS, MUI, Three.js, Electron Template TypeScript React Material UI Three.js Electron vite
      Template project for desktop (/ website hybrid) app games and simulations
    • This portfolio TypeScript React MAterial UIPostCSSStorybook viteGitHub Pages
      My portfolio page inside this repository
    • @pubcore/vite-storybook-mui TypeScript React Material UI Storybook vite
      Component library for React using Material UI with Storybook and Vite
    • BetterYTM TypeScript HTML CSS Rollup Markdown GitHub Actions
      Userscript that improves YouTube Music with features such as improved lyrics lookup, fine volume control and lots more layout and usability improvements
    • UserUtils TypeScript Markdown GitHub Actions
      Zero-dependency library with tons of utilities for userscripts
    • geniURL TypeScript express axios Postman Markdown nginx Cloudflare GitHub Actions
      Simple JSON and XML REST API to search for song metadata and lyrics
    • BrewBot TypeScript Discord.js Prisma PostgreSQL GitHub Actions
      General-purpose Discord bot with a focus on moderation, utility and games
    • Townly & Teng TypeScript
      TS CLI city building game and an accompanying game engine
    • SvCoreLib JS
      Zero-dependency library with tons of miscellaneous quality of life features
    • Sv443 Network Homepage HTML JS CSS
      My organization's website and my old portfolio

Featured projects

A RESTful API that serves jokes in various formats, such as JSON, XML, and YAML. It also provides a crude web interface for users to interact with the API. Its frontend contains a full documentation, including examples and a playground to test the API.
  • JokeAPI is currently being remade for its upcoming major update, including a new frontend using Docusaurus, TypeScript and React

A general-purpose Discord bot with a focus on moderation, utility and games.
  • It is written in TypeScript, uses Prisma as its ORM and PostgreSQL as its database
  • Has many API integrations, including JokeAPI, and geniURL
  • Contains games rendered on a HTML5 canvas
  • Works with the latest Discord API standards (slash commands) and latest features (modal form, button rows, etc.)

A userscript that improves YouTube Music with features such as improved lyrics lookup, fine volume control and lots more layout and usability improvements. (Userscripts are scripts that run in the browser and modify the behavior of a website, kind of like a less-powerful browser extension)
  • BetterYTM has frontends made in pure HTML, CSS and JS, to stay in bundle size limits and to not hog resources
  • It is used by about a hundred people weekly
  • The userscript has support for plugins made by other developers
  • I learned using every bundler under the sun for this project (webpack, turbopack, vite, babel) and ended up using rollup

Zero-dependency library with various utilities for userscripts. Allows userscripts to easily register listeners for when CSS selectors exist, intercept events, manage persistent user configurations, modify the DOM more easily and more.
  • Contains builtin TypeScript declarations
  • Fully web compatible and supports ESM and CJS imports and global declarations
  • Bundled and compiled using tsc and tsup, CI&CD using GitHub actions and changesets
  • Used in my userscripts BetterYTM and my webpack TypeScript template for userscripts

This portfolio •

My portfolio page inside this repository.
  • It is built with TypeScript, React, Tailwind, shadcn/ui and PostCSS
  • The project uses GitHub actions for CI/CD and is hosted on GitHub pages
  • The project is built using Vite and has a Storybook server for component development
  • Focus on responsiveness and accessibility

@pubcore/vite-storybook-mui •

Component library for React using Material UI with Storybook and Vite.
  • Contains many versatile and reusable components
  • Features highly flexible data table, XLSX and CSV mapping forms, forms built with JSON-schema and more
  • I was a contributor to the project, helped with the development of it and used it extensively in other projects
  • The library is built using TypeScript and Vite and is published on npm

A simple JSON and XML REST API to search for song metadata, the lyrics URL and lyrics translations using the API. Authorization is not required and geniURL implements a fuzzy search that improves search result accuracy.
  • My first exposure to express, express-router and Fuse.js
  • Used a couple hundred times daily (mostly due to my userscript BetterYTM)

Townly was meant to be a CLI city building game and Teng is the CLI game engine that was powering it. The projects were my first exposure to TypeScript and the first time I used it in a real project.
  • I got really far feature-wise but lost interest in the project and it was eventually paused
  • The engine was designed to be modular, separated from the game Townly, and easy to use, but it was never used in another project
  • The game has had a history of rewrites, from JS to Qt C++ to TypeScript

A core library used oftentimes in my projects, containing tons of miscellaneous quality of life features. It is written in JavaScript but has a TypeScript declaration file and JSDoc comments for an equivalent TypeScript experience.
  • My first experience making a decent JS library
  • Received contributions from other developers
  • Only ever supported CommonJS, though a refactor is planned

Sv443 Network Homepage •

My organization's website and my old portfolio. It is a static website built with pure HTML, CSS and JS, to stay simplistic and fast.
  • It was built to be accessible and responsive and to list all my projects and skills in a clean and organized way
  • This new portfolio page repo supersedes it


To set up the project locally, follow the steps below:

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Fork (if contributing) and clone the repository
  3. Install the dependencies with the command npm i
  4. Copy the file .env.template to .env and fill in the environment variables
  • Run the development server with the command npm run dev
  • Run npm run build to build the project for production
  • Run npm run storybook to start the Storybook server, which is used to develop and test the components in isolation
  • To add shadcn components to the project, use npx shadcn-ui@latest add name


My portfolio :)


Language:TypeScript 79.6%Language:HTML 8.9%Language:JavaScript 8.2%Language:CSS 3.4%