SuzalShrestha / Dragon_Project_OOP

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Long Practice: Class Syntax with Dragons

In this practice, you will create and use classes, inheritance, and commonJS module importing/exporting!

Set up

Clone the starter from the Download link at the bottom of this page.

Run npm install to install any dependencies.

Phase 1: Create a Dragon

Let's create a class to represent a Dragon! 🐲

Your goal is to pass all the test specs in the test/dragon-spec.js file. Run the Mocha test specs in that file with the following command:

npm test test/dragon-spec.js

Implement the following in the classes/dragon.js file.

  1. Define a class named Dragon containing a constructor method that accepts two arguments which should initialize the following properties:

    • name - the name of the dragon (like "Puff" or "Toothless")
    • color - the color of the dragon ( like "green" or "black")
  2. Define an instance method to the Dragon class. The method should be named breathesFire and return a string that uses the name property value formatted as ${name} breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!.

  3. Define a static method to the Dragon class. The method should be named getDragons and accept any number of instances of the Dragon class that are passed into it as separate arguments. The getDragons static method should return an array of all the dragon names from the instances that were passed into it as arguments.

In addition to Mocha, you should test your code manually using Node.js. After the Dragon class definition, you can insert the examples below and use the command, node classes/dragon.js to run it.


const puff = new Dragon("Puff", "green");

This should print to the terminal:

Dragon { name: 'Puff', color: 'green' }
Puff breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!
const toothless = new Dragon("Toothless", "black");

This should print to the terminal:

Dragon { name: 'Toothless', color: 'black' }
Toothless breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!
const puff = new Dragon("Puff", "green");
const toothless = new Dragon("Toothless", "black");
console.log(Dragon.getDragons(puff, toothless));

This should print to the terminal:

[ 'Puff', 'Toothless' ]

Phase 2: Create a Friendly Dragon

Let's create a class to represent a FriendlyDragon! 🐲

Your goal is to pass all the test specs in the test/friendly-dragon-spec.js file. Run the Mocha test specs in that file with the following command:

npm test test/friendly-dragon-spec.js

Implement the following in the classes/friendly-dragon.js file.

  1. Require with CommonJS the Dragon class from the classes/dragon.js file.

  2. Define a class named FriendlyDragon that inherits from the Dragon parent class you required. The FriendlyDragon class should contain a constructor method that accepts four arguments which should initialize the following properties:

    • name - the name of the dragon (should be inherited)
    • color - the color of the dragon (should be inherited)
    • lifeGoals - an array of skills the Friendly Dragon is good at
    • friend - the Friendly Dragon's best buddy (they all have one!)
  3. Export the FriendlyDragon class so that other modules can require it. NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT CORRECTLY EXPORT THE FriendlyDragon CLASS, THE MOCHA TESTS WILL THROW A TypeError AND NOT RUN

  4. Additionally, add two(2) instance methods to the FriendlyDragon class.

    • hasLifeGoals() - this method should console.log each of the FriendlyDragon's life goals separately, in the format ${name} likes to ${lifeGoal}
    • helpsPeople() - this method should return a string using the name and friend property values formatted as ${name} helps their friend ${friend}.

In addition to Mocha, you should test your code manually using Node.js. After the FriendlyDragon class definition, you can insert the examples below and use the command, node classes/friendly-dragon.js to run it.


const puff = new FriendlyDragon(
    "live by the sea",
    "frolick in the autumn mist",
    "help small children"
  "Jackie Paper"
console.log(puff.breathesFire()); //Friendly dragons can still breathe fire!

This should print to the terminal:

FriendlyDragon {
  name: 'Puff',
  color: 'green',
  lifeGoals: [
    'live by the sea',
    'frolick in the autumn mist',
    'help small children'
  friend: 'Jackie Paper'
Puff breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!
Puff likes to live by the sea
Puff likes to frolick in the autumn mist
Puff likes to help small children
Puff helps their friend Jackie Paper
const toothless = new FriendlyDragon(
    "save the town of Burke",
    "fly with a kid on his back",
    "hang out with Vikings"
console.log(toothless); toothless.hasLifeGoals();

This should print to the terminal:

FriendlyDragon {
  name: 'Toothless',
  color: 'black',
  lifeGoals: [
    'save the town of Burke',
    'fly with a kid on his back',
    'hang out with Vikings'
  friend: 'Hiccup'
Toothless likes to save the town of Burke
Toothless likes to fly with a kid on his back
Toothless likes to hang out with Vikings
Toothless helps their friend Hiccup
Toothless breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!

Phase 3: Create an Evil Dragon

Let's create a class to represent an EvilDragon! πŸ‰

Your goal is to pass all the test specs in the test/evil-dragon-spec.js file. Run the Mocha test specs in that file with the following command:

npm test test/evil-dragon-spec.js

Implement the following in the classes/evil-dragon.js file.

  1. Require with CommonJS the Dragon class from the classes/dragon.js file.

  2. Define a class named EvilDragon that inherits from the Dragon parent class you imported. The EvilDragon class should contain a constructor method that accepts four arguments that initialize the following properties:

    • name - the name of the dragon (should be inherited)
    • color - the color of the dragon (should be inherited)
    • evilDoings - an array of bad things the Evil Dragon does
    • nemesis - the Evil Dragon's arch-nemesis.
  3. Export the EvilDragon class so that other modules can require it. NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT CORRECTLY EXPORT THE FriendlyDragon CLASS, THE MOCHA TESTS WILL THROW A 'TypeError` AND NOT RUN

  4. Additionally, add two(2) instance methods to the EvilDragon class.

    • dontInviteThemOverForDinner() - this method should console.log out each of the Evil Dragon's evil doings separately, in the format ${name} will ${evilDoing}
    • burnsNemesis() - this method should return a string using name and nemesis property values formatted as ${name} destroys ${nemesis} with fire! WHOOOSH!!!.

In addition to Mocha, you should test your code manually using Node.js. After the EvilDragon class definition, you can insert the examples below and use the command, node classes/evil-dragon.js to run it.


const enderDragon = new EvilDragon(
  "Ender Dragon",
  "black", [
    "spit a fireball at Steve",
    "rule over all the Endermen",
    "destroy all blocks in its way"

This should print to the terminal:

EvilDragon {
  name: 'Ender Dragon',
  color: 'black',
  evilDoings: [
    'spit a fireball at Steve',
    'rule over all the Endermen',
    'destroy all blocks in its way'
  nemesis: 'Steve'
Ender Dragon will spit a fireball at Steve
Ender Dragon will rule over all the Endermen
Ender Dragon will destroy all blocks in its way
Ender Dragon breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!
Ender Dragon destroys Steve with fire! WHOOOSH!!!
const drogon = new EvilDragon(
    "eat all your livestock",
    "burn down your castle in Westeros",
    "burn your father and brother"
  "Night King"

This should print to the terminal:

EvilDragon {
  name: 'Drogon',
  color: 'black-red',
  evilDoings: [
    'eat all your livestock',
    'burn down your castle in Westeros',
    'burn your father and brother'
  nemesis: 'Night King'
Drogon will eat all your livestock
Drogon will burn down your castle in Westeros
Drogon will burn your father and brother
Drogon breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!
Drogon destroys Night King with fire! WHOOOSH!!!

Phase 4: Make All Dragons

Let's make instances of both Friendly and Evil Dragons! 🐲 πŸ‰ 🐲

Your goal is to pass all the test specs in the test/all-dragons-spec.js file. Run the Mocha test specs in that file with the following command:

npm test test/all-dragons-spec.js

Implement the following in the all-dragons.js file.

  1. Require the FriendlyDragon class from the ./classes/friendly-dragon.js module.

  2. Require the EvilDragon class from the ./classes/evil-dragon.js module.

  3. Create 2 new instances, 1 of the FriendlyDragon Class and the other of the EvilDragon Class

    • A FriendlyDragon named "Falkor" with the color "white", the life goals of "save Atreyu from the swamp", "save Atreyu from the Nothing", and "scare the local bullies into a dumpster" and has the friend "Bastian". Assign this new instance to the variable falkor
    • An EvilDragon named "Smaug" with the color "black", the evilDoings of "take over your mountain kingdom", "steal all your dwarven gold", and "burn down your floating village" and has the nemesis of "Dwarf King". Assign this new instance to the variable named "smaug"
  4. Call the static getDragons method on the Dragon Class with your falkor and smaug instances as arguments. Save this method call to a variable named allDragons and add it to the export statement that already exists. Note, there is a comment that cautions not to edit the export statement; it is required to modify it for this step.

In addition to Mocha, you should test your code manually using Node.js. After you implemented the steps above, you can insert the examples below and use the command, node all-dragons.js to run it.


FriendlyDragon {
  name: 'Falkor',
  color: 'white',
  lifeGoals: [
    'save Atreyu from the swamp',
    'save Atreyu from the Nothing',
    'scare the local bullies into a dumpster'
  friend: 'Bastian'
Falkor likes to save Atreyu from the swamp
Falkor likes to save Atreyu from the Nothing
Falkor likes to scare the local bullies into a dumpster
Falkor breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!
Falkor helps their friend Bastian
EvilDragon {
  name: 'Smaug',
  color: 'black',
  evilDoings: [
    'take over your mountain kingdom',
    'steal all your dwarven gold',
    'burn down your floating village'
  nemesis: 'Dwarf King'
Smaug will take over your mountain kingdom
Smaug will steal all your dwarven gold
Smaug will burn down your floating village
Smaug breathes fire everywhere! BURN!!!!
Smaug destroys Dwarf King with fire! WHOOOSH!!!

The static method from step 4, when called and printed to the terminal:

[ 'Falkor', 'Smaug' ]



Language:JavaScript 100.0%