Suvoo / CS510-Final-Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CS 510 project - Context Aware AI Bookmark extension (CABT)

Team Members - AI-Powered Bookmarking Tool

Introduction is an AI-powered bookmarking tool designed to enhance how users manage and categorize their web content. By leveraging advanced LLMs, automates the process of bookmark categorization, offering a dynamic and intuitive user experience. This tool simplifies content management by providing smart, AI-generated suggestions for bookmark categories, which users can customize as needed.

Installation and Usage

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine to get started with

git clone
cd CS510-Final-Project

Step 2: Install Requirements

Install the necessary requirements using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 3: Set Up Chrome Extension

Navigate to chrome://extensions in your Google Chrome browser, ensure that the Developer Mode is enabled at the top right corner, then click on "Load unpacked" and select the folder of the cloned repository to upload.

Step 4: Configure API Key

Open the file in a text editor and enter your API key for the Cohere model at the designated line:


Step 5: Run the Server

Save the changes to and run the server using the following command:


Step 6: Using the Extension

With the server running, open Google Chrome, navigate to any website of your choice, and click on the Coherence extension icon. The extension will display the suggested label for the webpage based on its content.

Step 7: Edit and Customize Labels

If the suggested label isn't quite right or if you want to customize it, simply edit the label directly in the textbox provided within the extension's popup.


Enjoy a more organized and efficient web browsing experience with, your AI-powered assistant for managing and categorizing bookmarks in real-time!



Language:JavaScript 56.7%Language:HTML 28.9%Language:Python 14.4%