Sushmeet / heroku-andrewmead-api

Heroku Api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mongo db start

mongod --dbpath mongo-data

mocha tests

"test": "mocha server/**/*.spec.js",


heroku create heroku addons:create mongolab:sandbox

heroku config

will give us the mondodb uri.

#push code to heroku master

git push heroku master

#heroku logging

heroku logs

#to go heroku root of app

heroku open

add heroku app

heroku git:remote -a evening-thicket-55605

model methods vs instance methods

Model methods are with upper case User model method does not require access to a document. So a model method like User.findBytoken. we will make this method Instance methods are on the lower case user instance. u require the individual user document. U need access to the individual document user.generateAuthToken


Heroku Api


Language:JavaScript 100.0%