SurionA / yolo-cli

Easily drop & migrate local database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easily drop & migrate local database



I usually screw up my local database in development and end up dropping it and migrating from scratch, which requires a lot of commands. I would normally define an alias in my shell but that becomes a problem if I work on many projects.

This package simplifies that by letting you define yolo.js file with drop, build and post commands for each project.

It will look for yolo.js in parent directories if one isn't present in current folder and run defined commands in sequence.

And it's pretty ✨


npm -g install yolo-cli


Run yolo init in project root to initialize example yolo.js file and fill it with proper commands.

Then you can run yolo in any project directory to rebuild database.

Example yolo.js

module.exports = {
  drop: 'dropdb yolo',
  build: 'createdb yolo',
  post: 'sequelize db:migrate',


MIT © Justyna Rachowicz


Easily drop & migrate local database


Language:JavaScript 100.0%