Superjulien / Wiwi

This Python script manages and configures wireless network interfaces on Linux systems, including options for restarting services and changing interface modes.

Repository from Github https://github.comSuperjulien/WiwiRepository from Github https://github.comSuperjulien/Wiwi


Version Python

WiWi is a Python command-line tool for managing and configuring wireless network interfaces on a Linux system. It provides a convenient way to change the operating mode of your wireless interface and restart the NetworkManager service.


  • Restart NetworkManager Service: Quickly restart the NetworkManager service to resolve network connectivity issues.

  • Interface Selection: View a list of available wireless interfaces and select the one you want to configure.

  • Wireless Mode Configuration: Configure the selected wireless interface with different modes:

    • IBSS (Ad-hoc): Create a peer-to-peer wireless network.
    • Managed: Connect to an existing wireless network.
    • AP (Access Point): Turn your device into a wireless access point.
    • Monitor: Enable monitoring mode for wireless packet capture and analysis.
  • Interface Information: Get detailed information about the current state and driver of the selected wireless interface.


  • Sudo: Sudo access is required for changing interface modes and restarting the NetworkManager service.
  • Operating System: Designed for Linux-based systems.
  • Python 3.x: WiWi is built using Python 3.x, so make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
  • Installed Dependencies: WiWi requires the following dependencies to be installed on your system:
    • ethtool
    • network-manager


Before using WiWi, make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your Linux system. Here is an example for Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install ethtool network-manager

Now you're ready to install and use WiWi:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
    cd Wiwi
  2. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x


Interactive Mode

Run the script with root privileges to enter interactive mode:

sudo python3

Follow the on-screen prompts to select a wireless interface and configure its mode.

Command-Line Arguments

You can also use command-line arguments to perform specific actions:

Usage: [-h] [-wt interface mode] [-r] [-rq]


Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                  Show this help message and exit.
  -wt interface mode          Choose wireless interface and mode (e.g., wlan0 monitor).
  -r                          Restart NetworkManager service.
  -rq                         Restart NetworkManager service and exit.
  • To restart the NetworkManager service:

    sudo python3 -r
  • To restart the service and exit:

    sudo python3 -rq
  • To configure a specific wireless interface in monitor mode (replace wlan0 and monitor with your desired interface and mode):

    sudo python3 -wt wlan0 monitor

How It Works

WiWi is a Python script that leverages several Linux command-line tools and system utilities to manage wireless network interfaces. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how WiWi works:

  1. Initialization:

    • When you run WiWi, it performs initial checks to ensure that it is running on a Linux system and with superuser (root) privileges. If not, it exits with an appropriate error message.
  2. User Interface:

    • Upon startup, WiWi displays an ASCII art logo to provide a visually appealing introduction.
  3. Command-Line Arguments:

    • WiWi checks the command-line arguments provided by the user using the argparse library.
    • If the user specifies the -r or -rq flag, WiWi restarts the NetworkManager service accordingly.
    • If the user specifies the -wt flag followed by an interface name and mode, WiWi configures the wireless interface as instructed.
    • If no arguments are provided, WiWi enters interactive mode to guide the user through the process of selecting an interface and mode.
  4. NetworkManager Restart:

    • When the user requests a NetworkManager restart using the -r or -rq flag, WiWi runs the service NetworkManager restart command using subprocess. If successful, it displays a success message; otherwise, it shows an error message.
  5. Listing and Selecting Interfaces:

    • In interactive mode, WiWi lists available wireless interfaces using the iw dev command. It parses the output to extract interface names and presents them to the user for selection.
    • The user selects an interface by entering a corresponding number.
  6. Selecting Wireless Mode:

    • After selecting an interface, the user is prompted to choose a wireless mode from the following options: IBSS, Managed, AP, Monitor, or Quit.
    • WiWi uses the user's choice to configure the wireless interface accordingly.
  7. Wireless Interface Configuration:

    • WiWi uses the ip and iw commands through the subprocess module to configure the selected wireless interface.
    • It sets the interface down, changes its mode using the iw dev command, and brings it back up.
    • If any step in the configuration process fails, WiWi displays an error message.
  8. Interface Information:

    • WiWi provides additional information about the selected wireless interface, such as its current mode and, if available, the driver in use.
  9. Completion and Exit:

    • After completing the requested action (e.g., restarting NetworkManager or configuring a wireless interface), WiWi either exits or continues to interact with the user in interactive mode.

WiWi simplifies the management of wireless network interfaces by providing a user-friendly and script-driven interface to essential Linux networking commands. Whether you need to troubleshoot network issues, set up an access point, or analyze wireless traffic, WiWi is a versatile tool for Linux users.


This software is provided to you free of charge, with the hope that if you find it valuable, you'll consider making a donation to a charitable organization of your choice :

  • SPA (Society for the Protection of Animals): The SPA is one of the oldest and most recognized organizations in France for the protection of domestic animals. It provides shelters, veterinary care, and works towards responsible adoption.


  • French Popular Aid: This organization aims to fight against poverty and exclusion by providing food aid, clothing, and organizing recreational activities for disadvantaged individuals.


  • Doctors Without Borders (MSF): MSF provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger around the world, particularly in conflict zones and humanitarian crises.


  • Restaurants of the Heart : Restaurants of the Heart provides meals, emergency accommodation, and social services to the underprivileged.


  • French Red Cross: The Red Cross offers humanitarian aid, emergency relief, first aid training, as well as social and medical activities for vulnerable individuals.


Every small gesture matters and contributes to making a real difference.


For support email :

Gmail: superjulien Tutanota: superjulien


This Python script manages and configures wireless network interfaces on Linux systems, including options for restarting services and changing interface modes.


Language:Python 100.0%