libnmea nmea 0183 stream tools FOR MAINTAINERS run ./ after checking out the project. or, bootstrap it yourself. IMPLEMENTATION you can use this library to manage NMEA streams from a device, however you happen to get them. use nmea_concat to add any new input to the buffer manager, partial or not. then use nmea_scan and nmea_parse to trigger your event, foo, on the presence of a message boundary. here's an example of an event driver that never terminates. { nmeamsg_t msg; /* libnmea message context */ nmeabuf_t nbuf; /* libnmea read buffer state */ char src[SRCSZ]; /* source stream buffer */ char rxbuf[BUFSZ]; /* read/recv chunk */ size_t rxlen; char evbuf[MSGSZ]; /* complete message "$...*xx\r\n" */ size_t evlen; nmea_ctor(&nbuf, src, SRCSZ); for (;;) if (poll(fd, ...)) if (rxlen = read(fd, rxbuf, BUFSZ)) if (nmea_concat(&nbuf, rxbuf, (size_t)rxlen)) while (nmea_scan(&nbuf, &msg)) { evlen = nmea_parse(evbuf, MSGSZ, &msg); foo(txbuf, txlen); } } the buffer sizes will vary depending on the device you're dealing with and your intentions for it, but, MSGSZ should always be at least as big as the longest possible sentence used to communicate with the device. SRCSZ should be big enough to hold several messages if they cannot be serviced rapidly enough. depending on whether you are performing a blocking read/recv or not, BUFSZ should be tuned somewhere near the size of the most common messages, or the average of all possible message sizes, or some such heuristic. one way to tune it in realtime would be to measure the number of read/recv calls, R, and foo() events raised, E, over some period of time. if the real value E/R approaches one, then BUFSZ is doing fine. as it heads towards zero, however, it takes too many read() calls to raise one foo(), which we can assume means that BUFSZ is too small.