SuperMartinYang / MartinGUI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Based on the thought of FishGUI, MartinGUI is using Python

Program based on MartinGUI: Code once, Run anywhere


1. Requirement

define what we need to do

  • Objective and Range

  • Stakeholder

  • Non-functional requirement

  • Analyze functional requirement (Using Example analysis)

  • Write Requirement Instruction

Instruction Name MartinGUI Requirement Instruction Privacy Level Public
Instruction Num 0.1 Editor Martin Yang
Edite Date 2018.03.03 Reviewer Martin Yang
Review Date 2018.03.28 Total Page **
Project Name MartinGUI
Project Description GUI framework, can provide Embed system a Graphic environment
User Describe public
Functional Requirement Can support User Interface described below:
* Create a Main Window when system boot
* Create multiple Controls (such as buttons, labels, and edit boxes)
* Provide animation function
* User can input Numbers into edit box
* User can use mouse to click buttons, then trigger some actions
* Create a new Window which is over the main Window
* User can operate Controls on new Window
* When there's an animation runs on main Window, even though a new Window is over main Window, animation still plays
* some specific button in keyboard could invoke specific function
Use Cases ...
Restriction Mouse can only control the active Window
Windows back cannot be move to the front
Windows below can get timer message to make animation active
Window level is limited to 3
Non-functional Requirement Can be secondary development
Can be used in deferent system which has Python installed
The speed should be acceptable

2.Analyze Use Case

  • Decide System Boundary
  • Decide participants
  • Come up with all Use Cases
  • Decide the level of each case
  • Describe each case in words
  • Draw a Object Flowchart
graph LR
A[User] --Computer--> B[Application]
B --> C[MartinGUI framework]
C --> D[OS]
C --> E[Graphic Panel]

Figure 1. System Boundary

graph LR
A((User)) --> B((Boot System))
A --> C((Choose 400))
A --> D((Choose Cancel))
A --> E((Open Window1))
A --> F((Input Words))
A --> G((Start Animation))
H((Timer)) --> G
B --> I((Create Window))
E --> I
I --> J((Create Button))
I --> K((Create Edit))
I --> L((Create Check box))
I --> M((Create Radio Button))
I --> N((Create Label))
I --> O((Create Group))
I --> P((Create Bitmap))

Figure 2. Use Case Analysis

Describe Use Case:

  • Use Case name: Boot System
  • User purpose: display main window and controls
    • Pre-requisite: None
    • Steps:
      • User boot system
      • Create a main window in screen
      • Create controls on main window
participant User
participant OS

User->OS: Button(TAB)
OS->OS: change focus
loop check
	User->OS: Button(0)
	OS->OS: display No. 
note right of OS: repeat to check digit button

Figure 3. Sequence Diagram of Input Words

participant User
participant OS
participant Timer

User->OS: click mouse (left, x, y)
OS->OS: set Timer
loop check
	Timer->OS: Tick()
	OS->OS: switch bitmap

Figure 4. Create Animation

Design method

High cohesion and low coupling ensuring these probabilities:

  1. readability
  2. reusability
  3. extensibility
  4. maintainability


Encapsulation(properties and methods), inheritance, and polymorphism(same method name, different method body) are three fundamental principles of OOLs Generalization is the inverse of inheritance Parent Class & Child Class <-> SuperClass & SubClass <-> BaseClass & DerivedClass


  • 开闭原则:一个模块对扩展应是开放的,对修改应是关闭的
  • 完全替换原则:派生类应该能完全替换掉基类
  • 依赖倒置原则:依赖于抽象,而不要依赖于具象
  • 非循环依赖、原则:包和包之间不能有循环依赖、关系
  • 只实现你真正需要的东西,不要去实现你认为需要的东西
  • 不要重复自己:任何代码都只出现一次
  • 保持简化的设计
  • 为人写代码,而不是为机器写代码

Steps of OO development

  • OO analysis
  • structure analysis
  • OO design
  • Programming (libraries & framework: system [.NET, MFC], middleware [EJB], industry, white-box, black-box)
  • Testing

s/w life cycle model

  • waterfall model
  • Iterative model

Design Patterns


  1. Adapt to the change of requirement
  2. For interface programming, not for programming
  3. Use aggregation (interface) first rather than inheritation (class)


Based on Purpose:

  • Creational: encapsulate the process of creating Object
  • Structural: deal with the structure of Object
  • Behavioural: iteractive between Objects

Based on Scope:

  • Class (static): relation between baseClass and derivedClass
  • Object (dynamic): relation between Objects


23 design patterns
