SuperBumbum777 / brick

UI Web Components for Modern Web Apps

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Brick is a bundle of re-usable UI components built with x-tags for quickly and flexibly building mobile HTML5 apps. Brick adds new HTML tags- widgets that allow developers to express the structure of an application in a clearer, more concise manner.

In other words, Brick provides minimal-markup, cross-browser implementations of common user interface designs, from calendars to slidebars to cycling galleries, taking care of most of the under-the-hood boilerplate for you.

For example, this is all the markup that would be needed to implement a mobile-friendly, cross-browser calendar widget:


That's it! It really is that easy.


Release bundles are provided on GitHub, under this project's Releases tab.

Prebuilt versions of the entire library are also provided in dist/brick.css and dist/brick.js, and should be included in your project like any other CSS/JavaScript file.

Compartmentalized releases of specific components are also released in their respective folders under dist/brick.css, allowing you to pick and choose what components you want.

Brick is also available as a Bower component: bower install brick will install Brick for any project using Bower.


Each component in Brick can be skinned by creating a new folder in the skins/ directory and then creating a Stylus file with the name of the component you wish to style. Once you've created an alternate style for a particular element, build it by using the --skin= parameter with grunt build or grunt build --dev commands. All other components will use the default styles if a custom style is not provided.

grunt build --skin=solo


You need three things to get started with Brick: npm, Grunt, and Bower.

First, install NodeJS/npm. Once you have npm installed you need to install Bower and Grunt globally:

npm install -g bower grunt-cli

Building Brick from source

Once you have the prerequisites, you're ready to clone and build from source.

Run the following:

git clone
cd brick
npm install
bower install

The built minified files should be output to dist/brick.css and dist/brick.js.

Working on components

Brick uses Bower to pull in components, which means that they are not git repositories. If you would like to work on the components within their git repository, run the following:

bower install       # we use bower to get the repository locations, so this is required
grunt clone-repos   # clone all repositories to ./dev-repos/
grunt build --dev   # build from repositories instead of bower

Now you can work one each component within their respective git repository.

Working on the Brick website

To make changes to the Brick website, edit the files in the build/ directory, then run grunt site to rebuild index.html, docs.html, and download.html located in the root directory. The CSS for the site is in site/css/main.css.


This is a list of the currently bundled components provided in the library.

Full documentation can be found on the Brick site.

Structural Components

  • Primary layout container, holds app structure.
  • Allows whole "app" space to have layout properties like flexbox without affecting
  • Contains top-level information and UI
  • Similar to a toolbar or roughly equivalent to Android's action bar
  • Used to display an app-level navigation at the bottom of the UI
  • Usually a series of icons with labels.
  • Tabs are linked to panels/views. Changing tab changes the active panel, and changing the active panel changes the tab
  • Essentially fires a show event at targeted elements. It is up to target elements to respond appropriately.
    • Components with default support for show event:
      • Deck
      • Flipbox
      • Slidebox
  • Can also fire user-defined events
  • A gallery box in which slides can be cycled in and out independently, with a variety of different transitions
  • Transition types can be switched and overridden on the fly, allowing for a variety of different entrances/exits
  • Similar to slidebox, but with a perspective flip effect.
  • May be combinable with slidebox and accessed via an option

Content Components

  • A calendar widget based on/extended from fortnight.js, but in a web component format
  • Simple instantiation, with API hooks to allow flexible use cases such as an event-managing calendar (see demo)
  • Polyfill on top of <input type="range">, providing a consistent UI regardless of whether type="range" is supported or not.
  • Unifies checkboxes and radios into a single consistent UI component


UI Web Components for Modern Web Apps

License:Apache License 2.0