SuperBluestar / front-end-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Challenge

Create a webpage that can search OMDB for movies, and allow the user to save their favourite films they feel should be up for nomination. When they've selected 5 nominees they should be notified they're finished.


  • Simple to use interface.
  • The ability search the OMDB API and return a list of movies that show at least the title, release year and a button to nominate them.
  • Search results should only be of movies.
  • Updates to the search terms should update the result list.
  • If a movie has been nominated already, it's button should be disabled within the search results.
  • Nominated movies should move to their own "Nomination List".
  • Movies in the nomination list should be able to be removed.
  • Display a banner when the user has 5 nominations.


Reference image

Reference Image



Improvements to design and functionality are allowed to be added in order to highlight passion and skills.

Submission Requirements

  1. Zip your submission, rename the zip file into your name and send it to and You may need to upload it to google drive if you're not able to share a zip file in the email directly.
  2. Please also create a video demo walking us through the submission and a separate one to explain the code. Make sure to include the video links in your readme

Vidyard or loom are free tools that allow you to screen record easily.
