Supan14 / CSE523-Machine-Learning-Interstellar-Explorers

Team Interstellar Explorers project for CSE523 Machine Learning Course

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exoplanet Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms

You can visit the live website here!

Here is the demo youtube video of the working site!

Team Interstellar Explorer's project for CSE523 Machine Learning Course

Let's get started how this project is built!

The project trying to identify whether the given planet is livable planet or not using classification algorithms.

How the data is coming around???

Collecting Data:

The data is collected from NASA's live API.

The calling of API can be found from the code.

The final dataset on which the model is being trained can be found in the /Dataset folder.

Now let's explore what's happening in the code.

About The Code:

The public URL of the code can be found here

First the data is extracted using NASA's API. After some EDA and data cleaning and preprocessing, the feature selection is done. Using those features three classification models are implemented. Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine and XGBoost is used to classify whether the planet is an exoplanet or not.

Final Model

The final selected model is XGBoost using 5 features from NASA API viz. Disposition Score, TCE Planet Number, Planet Radius, Stellar Temperature and Transit signal-to-noise. The decision tree diagram looks like:

XGBoost Decision Tree

The images of the final results in our experiments is available in the /Results folder.

Model Deployment

The trained model is deployed on the IBM cloud. It returns the probability of a planet being an exoplanet.

Deployment on Heroku - User-Friendly website

A user-friendly prediction website is deployed on heroku and the link is at the top of this readme.

Youtube Demo Link:

Youtube Demo


Team Interstellar Explorers project for CSE523 Machine Learning Course

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%