SunnyGurnani / serverless-boilerplate-graphql-babel-local

Serverless graphql with Babel ES6 and local run support

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Serverless GraphQL Architecture Application Boilerplate

Serverless GraphQL Boilerplate


This is the fork of but after removing all unnecessary stuff like DynamoDB, S3. I have also enabled Babel Transpile and offline start.

sls offline start

This boilerplate application features a serverless architecture that leverages new technologies (Lambda, GraphQL) to reach a very low total cost of ownership (i.e., least amount of code, administration, cost).


If you haven't yet installed serverless on your machin, run:

npm install -g serverless

then install the GraphQL Boilerplate in the CWD by running:

sls project install serverless-boilerplate-graphql
cd serverless-boilerplate-graphql


Add the authTokenSecret variable to _meta/variables/s-variables-STAGE-REGION.json and give it a strong value. This is the secret used to generate JSON web tokens. Then:

cd back/api
npm install
sls function deploy --all
sls endpoint deploy --all


Set API_URL in client/src/app/js/actions/index.js. Then:

cd ../../client/src
npm install
npm start

This will runs the client locally. You can then deploy the client to an S3 bucket with:

npm run build
sls client deploy

Deploying to S3 bucket

Make sure you're still in the client/src folder mentioned above, then run:

npm run build
sls client deploy

Testing With A Local DynamoDB Instance

  • Install Docker
  • Run docker-compose up to install and run DynamoDB.
  • Add the localDynamoDbEndpoint variable with the value http://<DOCKER-MACHINE-IP>:8000 to _meta/variables/s-variables-common.json. Example value:
  • Run sls setup db -s <stage> -r <region> to create tables in the local DynamoDB instance.
  • Run sls offline start to start the offline server.

Testing With GraphiQL

If you're running OSX, you can use the GraphiQL Electron App to test the GraphQL backend without a client:

  • Install brew cask for easy installation: brew tap caskroom/cask
  • Install GraphiQL App: brew cask install graphiql
  • Open GraphiQL application. Just search for GraphiQL using OSX Spotlight Search!
  • Add your data endpoint to the "GraphQL Endpoint" text field, and make sure the "Method" is set to POST.
  • Try this mutation to create the first user:
mutation createUserTest {
  createUser (username: "serverless", name: "Serverless Inc.", email: "", password: "secret") {
  • Now list all users using the following query:
query getUsersTest {
  users {
  • You should get the user you just created:
  "data": {
    "users": [
        "id": "aca42ee0-f509-11e5-bc11-0d8b1f79b4b9",
        "username": "serverless",
        "name": "Serverless Inc.",
        "email": ""

Team Workflow with Meta Sync Plugin

This boilerplate includes the Meta Sync Plugin. To start using it you need to add the following serverless variables to _meta/variables/s-variables-common.json:

"meta_bucket" : "SOME_BUCKET_NAME",
"meta_bucket_region" : "us-east-1" // or any other region



Serverless graphql with Babel ES6 and local run support


Language:JavaScript 100.0%