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Pytorch Implementation of Lightweight and robust representation of economic scales from satellite imagery.

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Lightweight and robust representation of economic scales from satellite imagery

Pytorch Implementation of Lightweight and robust representation of economic scales from satellite imagery.


This research utilized two types of data. One is the demographic information on target areas and the other is the corresponding satellite imagery. Both data types were collected from ArcGIS, which provides a publicly available data repository on maps and geographic information.

Demographic information is called the Esri Advanced Demographics is accessible by the ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service API.

  • Visit the ArcGis website for a comprehensive set of ready-to-use demographic layers

  • Satellite images from the tiles of World Imagery
  • Visit the ArcGis website for the world and high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery
  • Required packages

    The code has been tested running under Python 3.5.2. with the following packages installed (along with their dependencies):

    • numpy == 1.15.4
    • pandas == 0.23.4
    • torch == 1.0.1.post2
    • torchnet == 0.0.4
    • torchvision == 0.2.2.post3
    • scikit-learn == 0.19.1
    • xgboost == 0.90

    We recommend using the open data science platform Anaconda.

    Part 1. Data Pruning

    How to Run

    Default values of hyper-parameter are defined in, data_pruning_parser().

    usage: [-h] [--lr LR] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                             [--epochs EPOCHS]
                             [--checkpoint-epochs CHECKPOINT_EPOCHS]
                             [--evaluation-epochs EVALUATION_EPOCHS]
                             [--workers WORKERS] [--load] [--modelurl MODELURL]
                             [--train-path TRAIN_PATH] [--test-path TEST_PATH]
    Data Pruning Parser
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --lr LR, --learning-rate LR
                            learning rate
      --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                            batch size
      --epochs EPOCHS       total epochs
      --checkpoint-epochs CHECKPOINT_EPOCHS
                            checkpoint frequency
      --evaluation-epochs EVALUATION_EPOCHS
                            evaluation frequency
      --workers WORKERS     number of workers
      --load                load trained model
      --modelurl MODELURL   model path
      --train-path TRAIN_PATH
                            Train images directory path to remove uninhabited areas
      --test-path TEST_PATH
                            Test images directory path to remove uninhabited areas
    $ python3 --train-path ./data/sample_train --test-path ./data/sample_test 

    Part 2. Extracting Embedding

    How to Run

    Default values of hyper-parameter are defined in, extract_embeddings_parser().

    usage: [-h] [--lr LR] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                                   [--ema_decay EMA_DECAY] [--rampup RAMPUP]
                                   [--consistency CONSISTENCY] [--epochs EPOCHS]
                                   [--checkpoint-epochs CHECKPOINT_EPOCHS]
                                   [--evaluation-epochs EVALUATION_EPOCHS]
                                   [--workers WORKERS] [--load]
                                   [--modelurl MODELURL]
    Extract Embeddings Parser
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --lr LR, --learning-rate LR
                            learning rate
      --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                            batch size
      --ema_decay EMA_DECAY
                            total epochs
      --rampup RAMPUP       total epochs
      --consistency CONSISTENCY
                            total epochs
      --epochs EPOCHS       total epochs
      --checkpoint-epochs CHECKPOINT_EPOCHS
                            checkpoint frequency
      --evaluation-epochs EVALUATION_EPOCHS
                            evaluation frequency
      --workers WORKERS     number of workers
      --load                load trained model
      --modelurl MODELURL   model path
    $ python3 --batch-size 50 --epochs 100

    Extracted embeddings from satellite images are saved to "./data/train/reduced", and "./data/test/reduced" The size of matrix would be differ as the number of satellite images is different from every districts. (# of satellite images X 512)

    Part 3. Predict Demographics

    How to Run

    Default values of hyper-parameter are defined in, predict_demographics_parser().

    usage: [-h] [--idx IDX]
    Predict Demographics Parser
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
      --idx IDX   select which demographics to predict
    $ python3 --idx 0

    Prediction result (R-squared and Mean Squared Error) will be shown in command line. You can add some codes for saving results in any other file format.


    Pytorch Implementation of Lightweight and robust representation of economic scales from satellite imagery.


    Language:Python 100.0%