Sundaybrian / crystal-pitches

This is a flask web app that allows users to post pitches and comment on other users' pitches

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Crystal Pitches



This is a flask web app that allows users to post pitches and comment on other users' pitches

User Stories

As a user I would like:

  • to sign Up for a pitch account
  • to create pitches
  • to comment on pitches
  • to view pitches of other users


Behavior Input Outcome
Register to be a user Your email : Username : jonDoo Password : doe New user is registered
User Log in Your email : Password : doe Logged in
Create a Pitch Click New Pitch Authenticated User is redirected to a form page to create a pitch
View a pitch Click on a pitch's title Redirected to a page that has the the pitch
Comment on a pitch Click Comment Authenticated user is redirected to a form to comment about that pitch
Update profile click your name while logged in Redirected to a profile page to set your details

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • $ git clone crystal pitches
  • $ cd crystal-pitches
  • $ python3.6 -m venv virtual to create a virtual environment
  • $ source virtual/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment
  • run $ python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies
  • In the change app = create_app('production') to app = create_app('development')
  • run $ chmod a+x to make the file executable
  • $ ./ to start the application

Known Bugs

Profile pictures fail to display

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Flask
  • Bootstrap
  • Postgres Database
  • CSS
  • HTML


MIT (c) 2019 Brian Sunday


This is a flask web app that allows users to post pitches and comment on other users' pitches


Language:Python 66.5%Language:HTML 26.6%Language:CSS 5.3%Language:Mako 1.6%