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List of changes announced for AWS that may break existing code

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AWS breaking changes and price increases

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This list serves to document the fairly rare changes that break applications or raise prices on AWS or where AWS has shutdown a service.

My goal is to only document issues that would break people's existing applications. So if you have a running app on AWS that makes use of some AWS API calls, what are changes AWS is making that require you to change your code, reconfigure, rebuild, or redeploy your application? Can it live forever as long as your credit card works, or is AWS potentially breaking something?

Any change has the potential to break something somewhere (, but these seem like the more impactful changes for those that use the impacted service. These items will stay in this list until about a month after they have gone into effect, at which point they'll be moved to the archive.

This list will also keep track of increases in prices. This will not track changes in pricing models.

Date taking effect Date announced Service Change How to check
April 6(?), 2024 Unknown Snowmobile All references to the AWS Snowmobile service have been scrubbed from the docs. This has occured at some point between Feb 27, 2024 and April 6, 2024. This service appears to have been silently deprecated.
April 24(?), 2024 Unknown Workdocs The documentation now states new users cannot sign up, and emails were sent to customers informing them that their data will be deleted on April 26, 2025 (link)
May 5, 2024 May 10, 2023 OpsWorks OpsWorks for Chef Automate will no longer be able to be used (link)
May 26, 2024 May 25, 2023 OpsWorks OpsWorks Stacks will no longer be able to be used (link)
July 31, 2024 July 31, 2023 CodeStar AWS CodeStar is being deprecated. Existing resources will be unaffected, but you will not be able to create new resources with it. (link)
September 30, 2024 November 22, 2023 Application Cost Profiler (ACP) AWS Application Cost Profiler (ACP) will be discontinued (link)
November 29, 2024 Unknown Finspace FinSpace Dataset Browser will be discontinued (link)
December 16, 2024 Unknown IoT AWS IoT 1-Click service will be discontinued (link)
December 31, 2024 December 28, 2023 Aurora Serverless Aurora Serverless will be automatically upgraded to v2, which has some significant differences, such as not scaling down to zero. (link)

AWS support calendars for third-party products

Services such as Lambda and RDS provide managed hosting for third-party products that have their own lifecycle.

AWS already publishes the support calendar for those products.

If you use one of these services and need to know when AWS will stop supporting your current version you can consult its calendar directly.


List of changes announced for AWS that may break existing code