Made a User Registration Service using Spring MVC and local storage repository DAO(Data Access Object).

Home Page:http://localhost:8086/home

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Made a User Registration Service using Spring MVC.This project I have made by dividing into 5 subparts :- i)Model (Plain Java Object holds data and logic for specific entity in the app) ii)Service (handles the specific action or operatin user request) iii)Controller (help in handling user input and generating responses) iv)JSP (Simply related as a html file which act as view layer) v)Repository(handles the storage and retrieval of data acting aa a bridge btw the app and database)

Made dynamic Url (using requestparam, modelandview, ......)


Made a User Registration Service using Spring MVC and local storage repository DAO(Data Access Object).
