Sulcalibur / alfred-workflows

A collection of Alfred 2 workflows that will rock your world

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Alfred Workflows

A collection of Alfred 2 workflows that will rock your world.

Alfred Logo


Download and open file using Alfred 2.

P.S.: You need to buy the Powerpack to use these workflows.


⬇️  Download them all.

Open files or a folders in Sublime Text 3 ~ by @franzheidl.

Keywords: subl, subl*.

Sublime Workflow

Open current Finder window in Terminal/iTerm and vice versa ~ by @LeEnno.

Keywords: ft, tf, fi, if.

Terminal → Finder Terminal → Finder

Quick package/plugin/component lookup of for your favourite package managers ~ by @willfarrell.

Keywords: bower, grunt, npm, composer, pear, gems, pypi, alcatraz, cocoa, brew, rpm, maven, docker.

Bower Workflow Grunt Workflow NPM Workflow

Search for browser compatibility support of HTML5, CSS3 and more using ~ by @willfarrell.

Keywords: caniuse.

Can I Use Workflow

Colors (1.41) ~ Download

Convert HEX/RGB/HSL colors ~ by @TylerEich.

Keywords: #, rgb, hsl, c.

Colors Workflow

Dash (1.7) ~ Download

Search through Dash documentations by filtering the keyword for each language ~ by @willfarrell.

P.S.: Dash is a free external application, make sure to download it before start using this workflow.

Keywords: dash, html, css, js, jquery, angularjs, bootstrap, svg, nodejs, php, redis, mysql, cpp, backbone, underscore, sass, compass, wordpress, drupal.

Bootstrap Workflow NodeJS Workflow Sass Workflow

Find domains quickly using's API ~ by @dingyi.

Keywords: domainr.

Domainr Workflow

Transform query strings through base64, html, url, and utf-8 encode/decode ~ by @willfarrell.

Keywords: encode, decode.

Encode/Decode Workflow

Search through Font Awesome icons ~ by @ruedap.

Keywords: fonta.

Font Awesome Workflow

Open GitHub in the browser ~ by @gharlan.

P.S.: You have to login before you can use the workflow: gh > login <user>.

Keywords: gh.

GH Repo Workflow GH @User Workflow GH My Workflow

Launch iOS Simulator without launching Xcode ~ by @maloninc.

Keywords: ios.

iOS Simulator Workflow

Shows your internal and external IP address ~ by @dferg.

Keywords: ip.

IP Address Workflow

Easily find processes by name and kill them ~ by @nathangreenstein.

Keywords: kill.

Kill Process Workflow

Search for a question on StackOverflow ~ by @xhinking.

Keywords: st.

StackOverflow Workflow

Get an instant list of the current time in various cities around the world ~ by @CarlosNZ.

Keywords: tz.

TimeZones Workflow


Do you want more? Go get it!


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


See Release list.


MIT License © Zeno Rocha


A collection of Alfred 2 workflows that will rock your world