SukritiGupta / K-means-parallel-and-sequential

COL380 Assignment 1 - Parallel K-means clustering algorithm

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Problem Statement

Implement a parallel K-means clustering algorithm. The assignment is to be submitted as three versions of the code – one sequential, one with Pthreads, and one using OpenMP. Lab1_suite was provided by the TAs.

The code that adheres to the format provided in the suite is present in Omp.cpp, pthread.cpp and Seq.cpp. Codes Omp_global_centroid_sum, Seq_global_array.cpp and Seq_global_vectors adhere to more generic formats and maybe suitable depending on the data size. The input format can be seen from dataset_10000_4.txt Use Lab1_suite/ to generate datasets.

Running the code

  1. To compile
g++ main_omp.c lab1_io.h lab1_omp.h lab1_io.c Omp.cpp -lm -fopenmp
g++ main_sequential.c lab1_io.h lab1_sequential.h lab1_io.c Seq.cpp -lm
g++ main_pthread.c lab1_io.h lab1_pthread.h lab1_io.c pthread.cpp -lm -pthread -fopenmp

  1. To run arg1: K (no of clusters) arg2: no of threads arg3: input filename (data points) arg4: output filename (data points & cluster) arg5: output filename (centroids of each iteration)
./a.out 150 4 test.txt o1.txt o2.txt
  1. To visualise the output given by k-means and the dataset points
python3 o1.txt


COL380 Assignment 1 - Parallel K-means clustering algorithm


Language:C 51.3%Language:C++ 38.1%Language:Python 10.6%