Sukhseerat-Kaur / GroceryStore

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Grocery Store

A grocery store webapp built using Angular as the front-end framework and ASP.NET Core as the back-end framework.


Front-End (Angular 15)

  • ngBootstrap: The application leverages the ngBootstrap library to enhance the UI with pre-styled and responsive components.
  • Angular FontAwesome: FontAwesome icons are incorporated into the application using the Angular FontAwesome package, giving a visually appealing look.
  • Reactive Forms: Angular's reactive forms approach is utilized for form handling and validation, providing a dynamic and interactive user interface.
  • RxJS: Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) is employed to handle asynchronous operations and manage data streams within the application.

Back-End (ASP.NET Core 6)

  • ASP.NET MVC: The back-end of the grocery store application is developed using the ASP.NET MVC framework, providing a robust and scalable server-side infrastructure.
  • JWT Token Authentication: The application uses JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication to secure the APIs and ensure authorized access to protected resources.
  • Role Based Authorization: Implemented role based authorization so that the APIs are secure from any unauthorized access.
  • Fluent Validation API: Fluent Validation API is employed for model validation, allowing for easy and customizable validation rules for the data submitted by users.

Backend Structure

  • Business Layer: Implements the business logic and rules of an application. It acts as a bridge between the user interface and the data access layer.
  • Data Access Layer: Responsible for handling data interaction with the storage system. It provides methods for CRUD operations, abstracts the underlying data storage implementation, handles querying and filtering, manages transactions, optimizes performance, and incorporates security measures.
  • Shared Layer: Provides reusable functionality and services that are shared by multiple layers of the application.
  • Presentation Layer (.NET core web API): Defines all the API endpoints.
  • Web Layer: Handles the user interface and user interactions. It focuses on designing and rendering the user interface components and handling user input events.

Design Patterns Used

  • Dependency Injection
  • Facade
  • Repository Pattern
  • Unit of Work
  • Singleton
  • Decorator

DataBase (SQL Server)

The grocery store project utilizes SQL Server as the database management system to store and manage data related to products, orders, users, and other relevant information. SQL Server is a powerful and widely used relational database management system (RDBMS) that provides robust data storage, transactional capabilities, and efficient data retrieval.


  • Products
  • Orders
  • Users
  • Cart
  • Reviews
  • Roles
  • Categories
  • Product Categories

Role Based Access:

Anonymous user has access to:

  • Dashboard
  • Product page
  • Login
  • Register

Logged in user has access to:

  • Dashboard
  • Product page
  • Add to cart
  • Add Reviews
  • Delete own reviews
  • Cart
  • My Orders
  • Place order
  • Sign out

Admin has access to:

  • Dashboard
  • Add product
  • Product page
  • Delete Product
  • Edit Product
  • Add reviews
  • Delete any review
  • Top 5 most ordered products in a month
  • Sign out

SuperAdmin has access to:

  • Everything access that the Admin has
  • Add new Admin
  • Remove admin access of an admin



  • Node.js: Install Node.js latest version
  • Angular CLI: Install the Angular CLI globally using the following command:
npm install -g @angular/cli

Clone the repository and do the following to run the app:

Front-End (Angular)

  1. Navigate to GroceryStoreFrontEnd
  2. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start server
ng serve
  1. Visit http://localhost:4200

Badk-End (ASP.NET Core)

Required: latest version of Visual Studio 2022

Setting Up Back-end

  • Inside appsettings.json change the server name in the connection string to your local SQL server string. Alt text

  • Open solution in Visual Studio 2022 > Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console.

  • Select GroceryStore.DAL\GroceryStore.DataAccessLayer in default project option shown above the package manager console.

  • Make the project GroceryStoreBackEnd as the startup project by right clicking on it and selecting Set as startup project option.

  • After above steps use the following commands one by one to add migration and create database inside your sql server.

  Add-Migration <NameOfMigration>

After the Back end is setup, you can launch the server using any of the launch configuration like https or IIS by selecting it toolbar.



Language:C# 56.3%Language:TypeScript 28.2%Language:HTML 13.9%Language:JavaScript 0.9%Language:CSS 0.7%