SuhanG17 / glasses

High-quality Neural Networks for Computer Vision 😎

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Glasses 😎



Compact, concise and customizable deep learning computer vision library

So far I have the following pretrainde weights. I am working on porting more. They are hosted on GitHub if < 100MB and on AWS (thaks to Francis Ukpeh) if > 100MB.

Doc is here


This library has

  • human readable code, no research code
  • common component are shared across models
  • same APIs for all models (you learn them once and they are always the same)
  • clear and easy to use model constomization (see here)
  • classification and segmentation
  • emoji in the name ;)

Architectures implemented so far:


You can install glasses using pip by running

pip install git+


Check out ./tutorials . So far:


Almost all existing implementation of the most famous model are written with very bad coding practices, what today is called research code. I struggled myself to understand some of the implementation that in the end were just few lines of code.

Most of them are missing a global structure, they used tons of code repetition, they are not easily customizable and not tested. Since I do computer vision for living, so I needed a way to make my life easier.

Getting started

The API are shared across all models!

import torch
from glasses.models import AutoModel, AutoConfig
from torch import nn
# load one model
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('resnet18')
cfg = AutoConfig.from_name('resnet18')
model.summary(device='cpu' ) # thanks to torchsummary
AutoModel.models() # 'resnet18', 'resnet26', 'resnet26d', 'resnet34', 'resnet50', ...


import requests
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
from glasses.interpretability import GradCam, SaliencyMap
from torchvision.transforms import Normalize
r = requests.get('')
im =
# un normalize when done
postprocessing = Normalize(-cfg.mean / cfg.std, (1.0 / cfg.std))
# apply preprocessing
x =  cfg.transform(im).unsqueeze(0)
_ = model.interpret(x, using=GradCam(), postprocessing=postprocessing).show()



from glasses.models import ResNet
# change activation
ResNet.resnet18(activation = nn.SELU)
# change number of classes
# freeze only the convolution weights
model = ResNet.resnet18(pretrained=True)
# get the last layer, usuful to hook to it if you want to get the embeeded vector
# what about resnet with inverted residuals?
from glasses.models.classification.efficientnet import InvertedResidualBlock
ResNet.resnet18(block = InvertedResidualBlock)


from functools import partial
from glasses.models.segmentation.unet import UNet, UNetDecoder
# vanilla Unet
unet = UNet()
# let's change the encoder
unet = UNet.from_encoder(partial(AutoModel.from_name, 'efficientnet_b1'))
# mmm I want more layers in the decoder!
unet = UNet(decoder=partial(UNetDecoder, widths=[256, 128, 64, 32, 16]))
# maybe resnet was better
unet = UNet(encoder=lambda **kwargs: ResNet.resnet26(**kwargs).encoder)
# same API

More examples

# change the decoder part
model = ResNet.resnet18(pretrained=True)
my_head = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(model.encoder.widths[-1], 512),
    nn.Linear(512, 1000))

model.head = my_head

x = torch.rand((1,3,224,224))
model(x).shape #torch.Size([1, 1000])

Pretrained Models

I am currently working on the pretrained models and the best way to make them available

This is a list of all the pretrained models available so far!. They are all trained on ImageNet.

I used a batch_size=64 and a GTX 1080ti to evaluale the models.

top1 top5 time
efficientnet_b3 0.82034 0.9603 199.599
regnety_032 0.81958 0.95964 136.518
resnet50d 0.80492 0.95128 97.5827
cse_resnet50 0.80292 0.95048 108.765
efficientnet_b2 0.80126 0.95124 127.177
resnext101_32x8d 0.7921 0.94556 290.38
wide_resnet101_2 0.7891 0.94344 277.755
wide_resnet50_2 0.78464 0.94064 201.634
efficientnet_b1 0.7831 0.94096 98.7143
resnet152 0.7825 0.93982 186.191
regnetx_032 0.7792 0.93996 319.558
resnext50_32x4d 0.77628 0.9368 114.325
regnety_016 0.77604 0.93702 96.547
efficientnet_b0 0.77332 0.93566 67.2147
resnet101 0.77314 0.93556 134.148
densenet161 0.77146 0.93602 239.388
resnet34d 0.77118 0.93418 59.9938
densenet201 0.76932 0.9339 158.514
regnetx_016 0.76684 0.9328 91.7536
resnet26d 0.766 0.93188 70.6453
regnety_008 0.76238 0.93026 54.1286
resnet50 0.76012 0.92934 89.7976
densenet169 0.75628 0.9281 127.077
resnet26 0.75394 0.92584 65.5801
resnet34 0.75096 0.92246 56.8985
regnety_006 0.75068 0.92474 55.5611
regnetx_008 0.74788 0.92194 57.9559
densenet121 0.74472 0.91974 104.13
vgg19_bn 0.74216 0.91848 169.357
regnety_004 0.73766 0.91638 68.4893
regnetx_006 0.73682 0.91568 81.4703
vgg16_bn 0.73476 0.91536 150.317
vgg19 0.7236 0.9085 155.851
regnetx_004 0.72298 0.90644 58.0049
vgg16 0.71628 0.90368 135.398
vgg13_bn 0.71618 0.9036 129.077
vgg11_bn 0.70408 0.89724 86.9459
vgg13 0.69984 0.89306 116.052
regnety_002 0.6998 0.89422 46.804
resnet18 0.69644 0.88982 46.2029
vgg11 0.68872 0.88658 79.4136
regnetx_002 0.68658 0.88244 45.9211

Assuming you want to load efficientnet_b1:

from glasses.models import EfficientNet, AutoModel, AutoConfig

# load it using AutoModel
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('efficientnet_b1')
# or from its own class
model = EfficientNet.efficientnet_b1(pretrained=True)
# you may also need to get the correct transformation that must be applied on the input
cfg = AutoConfig.from_name('efficientnet_b1')
transform = cfg.transform

In this case, transform is

    Resize(size=240, interpolation=PIL.Image.BICUBIC)
    CenterCrop(size=(240, 240))
    Normalize(mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225))

Deep Customization

All models are composed by sharable parts:

  • Block
  • Layer
  • Encoder
  • Head
  • Decoder


Each model has its building block, they are noted by *Block. In each block, all the weights are in the .block field. This makes it very easy to customize one specific model.

from glasses.models.classification.vgg import VGGBasicBlock
from glasses.models.classification.resnet import ResNetBasicBlock, ResNetBottleneckBlock, ResNetBasicPreActBlock, ResNetBottleneckPreActBlock
from glasses.models.classification.senet import SENetBasicBlock, SENetBottleneckBlock
from glasses.models.classification.resnetxt import ResNetXtBottleNeckBlock
from glasses.models.classification.densenet import DenseBottleNeckBlock
from glasses.models.classification.wide_resnet import WideResNetBottleNeckBlock
from glasses.models.classification.efficientnet import EfficientNetBasicBlock

For example, if we want to add Squeeze and Excitation to the resnet bottleneck block, we can just

from glasses.nn.att import SpatialSE
from  glasses.models.classification.resnet import ResNetBottleneckBlock

class SEResNetBottleneckBlock(ResNetBottleneckBlock):
    def __init__(self, in_features: int, out_features: int, squeeze: int = 16, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(in_features, out_features, *args, **kwargs)
        # all the weights are in block, we want to apply se after the weights
        self.block.add_module('se', SpatialSE(out_features, reduction=squeeze))
SEResNetBottleneckBlock(32, 64)

Then, we can use the class methods to create the new models following the existing architecture blueprint, for example, to create se_resnet50


The cool thing is each model has the same api, if I want to create a vgg13 with the ResNetBottleneckBlock I can just

from glasses.models import VGG
model = VGG.vgg13(block=SEResNetBottleneckBlock)

Some specific model can require additional parameter to the block, for example MobileNetV2 also required a expansion parameter so our SEResNetBottleneckBlock won't work.


A Layer is a collection of blocks, it is used to stack multiple blocks together following some logic. For example, ResNetLayer

from glasses.models.classification.resnet import ResNetLayer

ResNetLayer(64, 128, depth=2)


The encoder is what encoders a vector, so the convolution layers. It has always two very important parameters.

  • widths
  • depths

widths is the wide at each layer, so how much features there are depths is the depth at each layer, so how many blocks there are

For example, ResNetEncoder will creates multiple ResNetLayer based on the len of widths and depths. Let's see some example.

from glasses.models.classification.resnet import ResNetEncoder
# 3 layers, with 32,64,128 features and 1,2,3 block each

All encoders are subclass of Encoder that allows us to hook on specific stages to get the featuers. All you have to do is first call .features to notify the model you want to receive the features, and then pass an input.

enc = ResNetEncoder()
print([f.shape for f in enc.features])

Remember each model has always a .decoder field

from glasses.models import ResNet

model = ResNet.resnet18()

The encoder knows the number of output features, you can access them by


Each encoder can return a list of features accessable by the .features field. You need to call it once before in order to notify the encoder we wish to also store the features

from glasses.models.classification.resnet import ResNetEncoder

x = torch.randn(1,3,224,224)
enc = ResNetEncoder()
enc.features # call it once
features = enc.features # now we have all the features from each layer (stage)
[print(f.shape) for f in features]
# torch.Size([1, 64, 112, 112])
# torch.Size([1, 64, 56, 56])
# torch.Size([1, 128, 28, 28])
# torch.Size([1, 256, 14, 14])


Head is the last part of the model, it usually perform the classification

from glasses.models.classification.resnet import ResNetHead

ResNetHead(512, n_classes=1000)


The decoder takes the last feature from the .encoder and decode it. This is usually done in segmentation models, such as Unet.

from glasses.models.segmentation.unet import UNetDecoder
x = torch.randn(1,3,224,224)
enc = ResNetEncoder()
enc.features # call it once
x = enc(x)
features = enc.features
# we need to tell the decoder the first feature size and the size of the lateral features
dec = UNetDecoder(start_features=enc.widths[-1],
out = dec(x, features[::-1])

This object oriented structure allows to reuse most of the code across the models


The models so far

πŸ˜₯ = My GPU RAM is too low

name Parameters Size (MB)
resnet18 11,689,512 44.59
resnet26 15,995,176 61.02
resnet26d 16,014,408 61.09
resnet34 21,797,672 83.15
resnet34d 21,816,904 83.22
resnet50 25,557,032 97.49
resnet50d 25,576,264 97.57
resnet101 44,549,160 169.94
resnet152 60,192,808 229.62
resnet200 64,673,832 246.71
se_resnet18 11,776,552 44.92
se_resnet34 21,954,856 83.75
se_resnet50 28,071,976 107.09
se_resnet101 49,292,328 188.04
se_resnet152 66,770,984 254.71
cse_resnet18 11,778,592 44.93
cse_resnet34 21,958,868 83.77
cse_resnet50 28,088,024 107.15
cse_resnet101 49,326,872 188.17
cse_resnet152 66,821,848 254.91
resnext50_32x4d 25,028,904 95.48
resnext101_32x8d 88,791,336 338.71
resnext101_32x16d 194,026,792 740.15
resnext101_32x32d 468,530,472 1787.30
resnext101_32x48d 828,411,176 3160.14
regnetx_002 2,684,792 10.24
regnetx_004 5,157,512 19.67
regnetx_006 6,196,040 23.64
regnetx_008 7,259,656 27.69
regnetx_016 9,190,136 35.06
regnetx_032 15,296,552 58.35
regnety_002 3,162,996 12.07
regnety_004 4,344,144 16.57
regnety_006 6,055,160 23.10
regnety_008 6,263,168 23.89
regnety_016 11,202,430 42.73
regnety_032 19,436,338 74.14
wide_resnet50_2 68,883,240 262.77
wide_resnet101_2 126,886,696 484.03
densenet121 7,978,856 30.44
densenet169 14,149,480 53.98
densenet201 20,013,928 76.35
densenet161 28,681,000 109.41
fishnet99 16,630,312 63.44
fishnet150 24,960,808 95.22
vgg11 132,863,336 506.83
vgg13 133,047,848 507.54
vgg16 138,357,544 527.79
vgg19 143,667,240 548.05
vgg11_bn 132,868,840 506.85
vgg13_bn 133,053,736 507.56
vgg16_bn 138,365,992 527.82
vgg19_bn 143,678,248 548.09
efficientnet_b0 5,288,548 20.17
efficientnet_b1 7,794,184 29.73
efficientnet_b2 9,109,994 34.75
efficientnet_b3 12,233,232 46.67
efficientnet_b4 19,341,616 73.78
efficientnet_b5 30,389,784 115.93
efficientnet_b6 43,040,704 164.19
efficientnet_b7 66,347,960 253.10
efficientnet_b8 πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯
efficientnet_l2 πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯
efficientnet_lite0 4,652,008 17.75
efficientnet_lite1 5,416,680 20.66
efficientnet_lite2 6,092,072 23.24
efficientnet_lite3 8,197,096 31.27
efficientnet_lite4 13,006,568 49.62
vit_small_patch16_224 48,602,344 185.40
vit_base_patch16_224 86,415,592 329.65
vit_base_patch16_384 86,415,592 329.65
vit_base_patch32_384 88,185,064 336.40
vit_large_patch16_224 304,123,880 1160.14
vit_large_patch16_384 304,123,880 1160.14
vit_large_patch32_384 306,483,176 1169.14
vit_huge_patch16_224 631,823,080 2410.21
vit_huge_patch32_384 634,772,200 2421.46
mobilenetv2 3,504,872 13.37
unet 23,202,530 88.51


Most of the weights were trained by other people and adapted to glasses. It is worth cite


High-quality Neural Networks for Computer Vision 😎

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 65.2%Language:Python 34.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%