Suggester / privacy

Translated versions of Suggester's privacy policy.

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

i18n Privacy Policy

This repository serves as a way for non-english speaking folks to access our privacy policy and become aware of what and how their data is collected and proceeded by our systems.

Adding a language

We'd like to support as much languages as possible. If yours isn't listed here, you're more than welcome to translate it. If you're that kind and wish to help, here's some guidance!

1) Translate the document which you can find here. Make sure to keep the markdown (bold text, codeblocks, headers) and to not translate names, including Suggester's, its devs' and the extra bots' mentioned at the end.
2) Once you are done, submit a Pull Request on this repository adding your translated version as a file. Name it with your language's name and with the .md extension. Make sure to mention if you would like credit or not (If you don't mention it, we'll assume you do).
3) We'll take a look at your PR as soon as possible!


If you don't already have it, you'll receive the Translator acknowledgment on the .verify command as a thank you. If you do, you'll receive a custom acknowledgment of your choice on that same command.


Any edit to this privacy policy should be made available in all languages in the shortest possible delays. Changes that need additional translation work will be announced in the support server in the Translator-only channels.


Translated versions of Suggester's privacy policy.