Suburbanno / Suburbanno

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi, I'm Vinicius 👋

const suburbanno = {
    pronouns: "He" | "Him",
    age: "25 Years",
    countryCity: "Recife, Brazil",
    graduation: "Analysis and Systems Development in progress",
    tech: ["HTML", "CSS", "Javascript"],
    askMeAbout: ["Web dev", "Tech", "Logistics", "Maps"],
    currentFocus: "Learning JavaScript",
    funFact: "I like maps and in my spare time I make contributions to OpenStreetMap",
    musicGenre: ["Rock", "Darkly Eletronic", "Psytrance", "Indie"],
    social: {
        Linkedin: "@Suburbanno",
        Twitter: "@exteraDev",
        Telegram: "@exteraDev",
        Discord: "@run.js",
        Signal: "@exteraDev.01"

