Subjoel / Gourmet

Project Gourmet done in course at Code institute for my Portfolio.

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Gourmet Restaurant Portfolio Project 1

This is protfolio project about Italian restaurant called Gourmet, it is designed to represent my journey through the project itself. You will be able to navigate through website on many devices from PC's to small portable devices without any problem.

Responsive Displays

Table of content:


This project is about restaurant, menu and booking table. Main purpose of this project is to present landing page of the restaurant with menu, drinks, booking table and about us.

I chose this project over any other one is because how hard it is to get pictures without copyright on them. Wanted something nice and sleek.

User Experience (UX)

User Stories

  • User Story
    • As user visiting website I want you to understand what is the website about.
    • As user visiting website I want you to navigate easily through the website.
    • As user I want you to see landing page and navigate through it.
    • As user I want you to easily navigate to Main Menu.
    • As user I want you to easily navigate to Drinks Menu.
    • As user I want you to easily access Booking Table and successfully use it.
    • As user I want you to fill in your details in Booking form to succesfully book a table.
    • As user I want you to easily access About Us and successfully use it.
    • As user I want you be able to use map in About us section.
    • As user I want you to see Thank you page after booking table.

Website Goals

  • Increase customer number.
  • Expand and grow as a business.


  • Easy access on all kind of devices without graphical bugs.
  • Clear information about restaurants services.
  • Readable menu.
  • Simple ways to book table at the restaurant.
  • Simple ways to find us on map.


  • Landing page to be nice and sleek.
  • Food menu to be readable for everyone.
  • Book tabel to work correctly.
  • About Us to work correctly.


  • Colors:
    • Colors used on the website are:

      • Gold #ffd700;

        Gold Color
      • White #ffffff;

        White Color
      • #131313b0;

        Opaque Grey Color
    • Fonts:

      • Fonts used on website are Cherish and Amethyst from google fonts. Cherish is used for logo itself and Lato for buttons.
      • Backup fonts is sans-serif if main font cannot be loaded for any reason.
    • Images:

      • Image of restaurant used from pexels it is nice golden black colors which suit the website color design.

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Website structure

Screen size Breakpoint
small >= 576px
medium >= 768px
large >= 1024px

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Technology, Frameworks and Programs used.


Frameworks and Programs used.

  • Pexels

    • Pexels was used on background picture of entire website.
  • Google fonts

    • Google fonts was used to pick and import fonts to my project.
  • GitHub

    • GitHub was used to store my source code by git add . git commit and git push.
  • Git

    • Git was used with GitPod to write down the code and push it to GitHub.
  • Balsamiq

    • Balsamiq was used to design the website idea itself.
  • screenfly

    • Testing My website on it.


  1. Responsive on all devices.
  2. Interactive buttons
  3. Book table.
  4. About us.

Navigation bar

  • Navigation bar will be mostly the same through out the website except for buttons they will be replaced with hamburger menu on mobile devices.

    • Mobile devices.

      • Hidden hamburger menu for mobiles.

        Mobile menu hidden
      • Opened hamburger menu for mobiles.

        Mobile menu open
      • Hamburger menu with hover for mobiles.

        Mobile menu open hover
    • Tablets.

      • Small Tablets

        Small Tablet menu
      • Tablets

        Tablet menu
    • Desktop.

      • Desktops

        Desktop menu
  • Main content of website will be nicely adjusted on all devices with pictures below:

    Back to top

  • Thank you Website for Booking a Table!.

    • Mobile

      Thank you website on mobile
    • Tablet

      Thank you website on tablet
    • Desktop

      Thank you website on desktop
  • Footer

    • Footer looks the same on all devices just space around is wider.

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  1. W3C HTML Validator and CSS Validator

    • HTML Validator

      • Main Page and Thank you
      HTML validator picture
    • CSS Validator

      • CSS
      CSS validator picture
  2. Testing on website.

    • Website has been tested in Lighthouse, Screenfly and my own PC.

      • Mobile Lighthouse score
      Lighthouse score
      • Desktop Lighthouse score
      Lighthouse score
  3. Testing on portable devices.

    • Website has been tested with Lighthouse, Screenfly and couple of mobile devices.

      • Screenfly website.

        Screenfly test
  4. Known bugs.

    • Date and Time input is blank on mobile phones but not in Previews or Live website with Right Click Inspect.
    • Checkbox hamburger menu wont close itself requires JavaScript to uncheck to make it hide the menu items.

Testing user stories

  • As user visiting website I want you to understand what is the website about.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User understands whats the website is about User can see first section of website User can see that website is about restaurant PASS
Picture Landing page

  • As user visiting website I want you to navigate easily through the website.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User can navigate though website easily User can see navigation bar User can press buttons and will be brought to certain parts of page PASS
Picture Navigation bar

  • As user I want you to see landing page and navigate through it.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see landing page and can navigate through it User can see landing page and navigation bar User can see landing page and navigation bar and use it to navigate through it easily PASS
Picture Landing page and navigation bar

  • As user I want you to easily navigate to Main Menu.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see Main menu button User can press on Main menu button User will land on Food menu section PASS
Picture Food menu

  • As user I want you to easily navigate to Drinks Menu.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see Drinks menu button User can press on Drinks menu button User will land on Drinks menu section PASS
Picture Drinks menu

  • As user I want you to fill in your details in Booking form to succesfully book a table.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see form and fills it in User can fill in the form to book a table User will be able to press on book a table button without showing required PASS
Picture Book table required in form

  • As user I want you to easily access Booking Table and successfully use it.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see Book table button User can press on Book table button User will land on Book table form section PASS
Picture Book table form

  • As user I want you to easily access About Us and successfully use it.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see About us button User can press on About us button User will land on About us section PASS
Picture About us

  • As user I want you be able to use map in About us section.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see map User can use map to locate the restaurant if needed User will find where restaurant is located if needed PASS
Picture About us google map

  • As user I want you to see Thank you page after booking table.
Feature Action Expected Result Result
User see Thank you page User can see Thank you page and return to main page User will see Thank you page thanking them for booking and be able to return to main page PASS
Picture Thank you page


Following writing the code then commiting and pushing to GitHub, this project was deployed using GitHub by the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the repository on github and click Settings.
  2. Then select Pages on the side navigation.
  3. Select the None dropdown, and then click Main.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. Now the website is now live on
  6. If any changes are required, they can be done, commited and pushed to GitHub and the changes will be updated.


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Project Gourmet done in course at Code institute for my Portfolio.


Language:HTML 58.9%Language:CSS 30.3%Language:Dockerfile 10.8%