This project consists of my solutions for Leetcode(
This solutions mainly written in Ruby language. You can search the solution by search keywords. Most of those files are named in following format: ${Leetcode_method_name}_${some_notations}.rb Please feel free to use them for learning. I am happy if them are helpful. Due to question number is unstable so I ignored it.
All source codes are my original works, except some files which have been acknowledged. So, some solutions are working in a tricky way and some others are worked ineffectively. Please feel free to issue it!
200 questions passed at Augest 19, 2015.
使用Ruby写的LeetCode 算法题解,欢迎批评和参考! 可以使用leetcode题目预定义的方法名或者关键字查询我的解法。
截止8月8日,已通过162题。 截止8月19日,已通过200题。(2015)