SuJiKiNen / scoop-sujikinen

personal scoop app manifests collection

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tests Excavator

How do I install these manifests?

To add this bucket, run scoop bucket add sujikinen

To install, do scoop install <manifest>.

How do I contribute new manifests?

To make a new manifest contribution, please read the Contributing Guide.

App manifests

  1. EitherMouse 独立设置不同鼠标交换左右键
  2. Weylus 把手机或者平板作为手写输入,副屏等
  3. ISCSIConsole ISCSI服务端,可映射vhd
  4. kmonad 键盘改键映射
  5. HotSwap 安全删除被占用的u盘
  6. TxBENCH 磁盘测速工具
  7. SimpleVhdManager vhd/vhdx管理,可设置开机自动挂载。


personal scoop app manifests collection

License:The Unlicense


Language:PowerShell 100.0%