Su5eD / ModsDotGroovy

A Gradle plugin that converts a mods.groovy to mods.toml, fabric.mod.json and quilt.mod.json

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Plugin Version DSL Version

ModsDotGroovy is a Gradle plugin which allows writing the Forge mods.toml in a Groovy script, which will be compiled down to a mods.toml when the mod is built.

Plugin Portal and Central

Note: Starting with plugin version 1.3.0 and DSL version 1.4.0, the plugin is on the Gradle Plugin Portal, and the DSL is on Maven Central.
We recommend migrating to the Plugin Portal version and DSL >=1.4.0.


YOu can install the plugin via the following block in the build.gradle file. The plugin is published to the Gradle Plugin Portal.

plugins {
    // Other plugins here
    id 'org.groovymc.modsdotgroovy' version '1.4.1' // Version can be replaced with any existing plugin version

Then, you need to decide on a ModsDotGroovy DSL version which you want to use. You can browse all available versions here. Add the following line in your build.gradle, to do so:

modsDotGroovy {
    dslVersion = '1.5.1' // Can be replaced with any existing DSL version
    platform = 'forge'


The plugin will use the file in src/main/resources/mods.groovy for generating the mods.toml. The input file can be changed in the modsDotGroovyToToml task.
The mods.groovy file must return a ModsDotGroovy instance created by the ModsDotGroovy#make(Closure) method. Example:

ModsDotGroovy.make {
    modLoader = 'javafml' // The mod loader of the mod
    loaderVersion = '[40,)' // The version of the modloader the mod is compatible with
    license = 'MIT' // The license of the mod
    // A URL to refer people to when problems occur with this mod
    issueTrackerUrl = ''

    mod {
        modId = 'mymod' // The ID of the mod
        displayName = 'My Mod' // The name of the mod

        version = this.version // The version of the mod. `this.version` refers to the `version` property in your file
        description = """
            Some very nice description.
            Groovy is the best!
        """ // A multiline description of the mod
        authors = [
                'Beans', 'Me'
        ] // A list containing the authors of the mod
        logoFile = "examplemod.png" // A file name (in the root of the mod JAR) containing a logo for display. Optional
        dependencies {
            // The `forgeVersion` and `minecraftVersion` properties are computed from the `minecraft` dependency in the `build.gradle` file
            // Alternatively, versions can be specified in the SemVer style: ">=${this.forgeVersion}"
            forge = "[${this.forgeVersion},)" // The Forge version range the mod is compatible with
            // The automatically generated `minecraftVersionRange` property is computed as: [1.$minecraftMajorVersion,1.${minecraftMajorVersion + 1})
            // Example: for a Minecraft version of 1.19, the computed `minecraftVersionRange` is [1.19,1.20)
            minecraft = this.minecraftVersionRange // The Minecraft version range the mod is compatible with

            // Declare an optional dependency against JEI
            mod('jei') {
                mandatory = false
                // Support any JEI version >=
                versionRange = "[,)"

The DSL is documented with JavaDocs which should be browsable in your IDE.

Loader Support

The plugin can additionally be used to configure the quilt.mod.json file in a Quilt project, the fabric.mod.json file in a Fabric project, or all three files in a multiloader project.
To configure the plugin for Quilt, add the following to your build.gradle:

modsDotGroovy {
    platform = 'quilt'

Certain Quilt-specific DSL elements exist; the this.quiltLoaderVersion property can be used to get the version of quilt-loader present in the project.

To configure the plugin for Fabric, add the following to your build.gradle:

modsDotGroovy {
    platform = 'fabric'

Certain Fabric-specific DSL elements exist; the this.fabricLoaderVersion property can be used to get the version of fabric-loader present in the project.

To configure the plugin for a multiloader project instead, insert the following into your root project's build.gradle:

modsDotGroovy {
    platform = 'multiloader'

The plugin assumes that your subprojects for Quilt, Fabric, Forge, and common code are called Quilt, Fabric, Forge, and Common respectively. If this is not the case, it can be configured as follows:

modsDotGroovy {
    platform = 'multiloader'
    multiloader { // You do not need to have subprojects for all mod loaders
        common = project(':common')
        quilt = [project(':quilt')]
        forge = [project(':forge')]
        fabric = [project(':fabric')]

The common project provides the mods.groovy file, which is then used to generate a mods.toml, quilt.mod.json and fabric.mod.json file.


A Gradle plugin that converts a mods.groovy to mods.toml, fabric.mod.json and quilt.mod.json

License:MIT License


Language:Groovy 100.0%