Stypox / image-to-gcode

Detects the edges of an image and converts them to 2D gcode that can be printed by a plotter

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Image to G-code converter

This repository contains a Python 3 script that takes an image as input and generates a 2D G-code file as output. The script can either use the provided image as an edges image, or auto-detect the edges using the Sobel operator. Then a graph is built and it is converted to G-code. You can then use the produced G-code in a 2D plotter, you may find this other project of mine useful: plotter.

Auto-detecting edges Considering image as already edges
Obtained with


You can run the script normally with Python 3:

python3 ARGUMENTS...

This is the help screen with all valid arguments (obtainable with python3 --help):

usage: [-h] -i FILE -o FILE [--dot-output FILE] [-e MODE] [-t VALUE]

Detects the edges of an image and converts them to 2D gcode that can be printed by a plotter

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE, --input FILE
                        Image to convert to gcode; all formats supported by the Python imageio library are supported
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        File in which to save the gcode result
  --dot-output FILE     Optional file in which to save the graph (in DOT format) generated during an intermediary step of gcode generation
  -e MODE, --edges MODE
                        Consider the input file already as an edges matrix, not as an image of which to detect the edges. MODE should be either `white` or `black`, that is the color of the edges in the image. The image should only be made of white or black pixels.
  -t VALUE, --threshold VALUE
                        The threshold in range (0,255) above which to consider a pixel as part of an edge (after Sobel was applied to the image or on reading the edges from file with the --edges option)

The required parameters are the input and the output. You may want to tune the threshold value in order to obtain a better graph.

An example of command is:

python3 --input image.png --output --threshold 100


Detects the edges of an image and converts them to 2D gcode that can be printed by a plotter


Language:Python 100.0%