Studio-17 / Ubuntu_install

:unlock: You just arrived on Ubuntu and you are looking for all the packages useful to work on your projects? Then you came at the right place

Repository from Github https://github.comStudio-17/Ubuntu_installRepository from Github https://github.comStudio-17/Ubuntu_install

Ubuntu Install

On this repository you will find a script that allows you to download everything you need to be able to work on projects at Epitech (at least the first year)

How to install Ubuntu

First you have to create a bootable USB: link for the bootable USB

Then you have to install Ubuntu: link for the Ubuntu install

How to use the script

First you have to clone the repository :

git clone

Then go in the repository and execute the script :

sudo ./

If you use the script please star it so other people can find and use it. Thanks!

Description of the installation process :

  • Epitech essentials
  • Ubuntu Library
  • snap Library
  • Python library
  • Usefull languages (NodeJs, Ruby, C++, PHP, Java)
  • Epitech Dump languages


:unlock: You just arrived on Ubuntu and you are looking for all the packages useful to work on your projects? Then you came at the right place

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%