StoneLyu / shortTerm2015

Java Web Project: an E-commerce Website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Java Web Project: an E-commerce Website. Including folowing functions: login, registering, looking through, shopping cart, placing order and database accessing.

本项目要求使用Java Web的相关技术构建一个电商网站销售自己的产品,需实现登陆、注册、浏览、购物车、下单,存入数据库等功能。


  • MVC architecture MVC架构
    • DAO, DAOImpl as model. DAO is interface, and DAOImpl is the implementation of DAO.
    • servlet as controller
    • .jsp as view
    • db for database accessing
    • vo is value object and is used data transmission
  • some implementation details 一些实现细节
    • use session to store user's shopping cart.
    • use prepareStatement to avoid sql injection.


Java Web Project: an E-commerce Website


Language:HTML 55.0%Language:Java 24.1%Language:CSS 14.2%Language:JavaScript 6.7%