StickNitro / proton.multi-list-picker

ProtonJS Multi List Picker component

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multi-list Picker

The multi-list picker is a component that lets you pick a value from a list. Imagine a combobox, but only better.

The picker helps you define lists that are bound to various properties of a model and specify the available values.

Here is a simple example with static values and a single list:

    <proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>iPhone 5</proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>
    <proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>iPhone 6</proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>
    <proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>iPhone 6 Plus</proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>
    <proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>iPhone 6s</proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>
    <proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>iPhone 6s Plus</proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>
    <proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>iPhone 5se</proton:multi-list-picker-list-item>

which results in this list-picker:


This comes with support for scrolling the list to select an item with momentum and every other thing you would expect to see in a native iOS list-picker. You can easily change the attachment type and other options on the list-picker to achieve a more sophisticated setting.


You have to import the following two files into your index.html:

  • dist/proton.multi-list-picker.min.js
  • dist/proton.multi-list-picker.css

and add a dependency to the parent module to your application:

angular.module('myApplication', [..., 'proton.multi-list-picker']);


This directive does not have any dependencies whatsoever. The only dependency is AngularJS itself, and there is a soft dependency on ngSanitize if you need HTML captions.


This module comes with multiple, nested directives.

Development Tip

To help you with your development and benefit from IDE completion, and XSD file is included with detailed instructions on the directives. To use the XSD, add the following to your index.html file:


and if necessary, add a local path, as well. Now, you can use all the directives with the benefit of code completion. Just remember to use the namespace form when using the directives. This means using <proton:multi-list-picker/> instead of <proton-multi-list-picker/>


This is the root element for defining a multi-list picker component.

    [done="..."] >
  • ngModel: this is to let you bind the top-level object for the list picker to the directive.
  • attachment (enum, default: inline): This attribute will let you define the attachment type of the component to the screen. Possible values are:
    • inline: the component will be displayed as an inline block
    • modal: the component will be displayed as a modal dialog with appropriate close buttons
    • bottom: the component will be affixed to the bottom of the screen
    • top: the component will be affixed to the top of the screen
  • bindHtml (boolean, default: false): Whether or not list item labels should be interpreted as HTML values or normal text. If you set this to true you will need to add a dependency to ngSanitize to your application, as the template will internally use ngBindHtml to accomplish proper rendering.
  • done (AngularJS Expression, default: ""): this expression will be executed with the value $model interpolated with the bound model object (or the resolved model, if no model is bound) once the Done button in the toolbar is clicked. There will be no toolbar displayed if the attachment is set to inline.
Nested Children
  • <proton-multi-list-picker-list/>: to specify a child list
  • <proton-multi-list-picker-divider/>: to specify a divider


Let's you define a list for the multi-list picker component.

    [strict-matching="..."] >
  • alias (string, default: numerical index of the list): the name of the model property to which the value of this list is bound. If none is specified, then the numerical value of the list will be used as the property. In the example above, it would create a property named 0 in any model bound (or if an array was bound, the first item would have been set to the value picked via the list).
  • source (AngularJS expression, default: undefined): the source for the items within this list. If nothing is provided, the contents will be used instead. If you are providing a method, beware that it is going to be called a lot, since we are watching for changes in the source to update the list picker accordingly. If you want to disable this feature use static binding.
  • static (boolean, default: false): Sets the binding type to static so that once read first, the value of the source property is not read again. If you do not specify a source this will be automatically set to true. Set this to true if you are providing the items in this list via an AngularJS expression and you know the contents of the list are not going to change.
  • cycle (boolean, default: false): whether the list should cycle. If you set this to true, the list will have no end. It will be like working with a circular dial (thus the name). This means that you will get infinite scrolling on this list.
  • strictMatching (boolean, default: false): this property directs the directive to perform strict label matching when determining the absolute width of a list. Since setting this to true means every item in the list will be tried as a separate HTML object to account for the width, only set it to true if you are experiencing problems with the width of the list and if the width is changing when you are scrolling through the items.
Nested Children
  • <proton-multi-list-picker-list-item/>: use this to specify static items for the list. If the <proton-multi-list-picker-list/> directive specifies a source these items will be completely ignored. Also note that since this is a static definition, you will not benefit from any bindings or other DOM manipulations after the items are initially scanned.


A divider element between lists. The content of the element will be picked up and placed in the component. If bindHtml is set to true on the parent proton-multi-list-picker, it will be treated as HTML content.

You can leave the content as blank if you want a breaking divider that visually divides the multi-list picker into two sections. Since the value of the divider is treated statically, it will not be updated once the picker is rendered. This means no further DOM manipulations or AngularJS bindings.


This directive has no options

Nested Children

Anything nested within this directive will be treated as the caption for the divider.


This element let's you define a single list item. The contents of this tag will be treated as the caption for the item, and if bindHtml is set to true on the parent <proton-multi-list-picker/> it will be treated as HTML. You will need to specify a value attribute if you want to have values that are different from the inline HTML value of the tag.

    [value="..."] />
  • value (string, default: same as caption): the value bound to this item. This is the same as specifying a value on an <option/> HTML tag in a <select/> component.
Nested Children

This directive has no nested children and anything written within the tag as children will be read as the caption for the item.


An example is provided under the /demo folder. You can clone this repository and look at the examples to get a better understanding of how this works.

All the options are explored in the example, and you will see a more sophisticated list picker.

Below is an image of the example application in action:



The size of all the elements here is determined relative to the font-size of the list picker component. Therefore, if you want to change the size of a component specifically, you can select it by ID or via the proton-multi-list-picker class name:

.proton-multi-list-picker {
    font-size: 20px;


The list is configured to show five items at a time and simulate a bevel effect as though the underlying list is a circular dial.

This is all accomplished via the CSS file. You can play with these settings by modifying the SASS file proton.multi-list-picker.scss under src, or use your own style.

The template for the directive can be loaded via $templateCache like this:

var template = $templateCache.get("$/proton/multi-list-picker/picker.html");


This work is distributed under the MIT license, which can be found in next to this readme.


ProtonJS Multi List Picker component

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 82.1%Language:CSS 17.9%