StewartLynch / CTScanText

Alternatives to SwiftUI TextField and TextEditor with additional features

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Twitter: @StewartLynch

A SwiftUI package that adds converts a UITextField and UITextView to a SwiftUI version of a TextField and TextEditor view with added functionality.


A replacement option for a SwiftUI TextField

New Style Option

Adds a new style case which is roundedBoderWithBackground(color:)where you can provide a color to use as the background color.

Keyboard Toolbar Buttons

Adds keyboard Toolbar buttons.

Scan Text From Camera Toolbar Button

Adds a button that will present the scan text from camera option for all content types except for those specific contentTypes that will filter specifically for that content when scanned with camera. When used, the cameral will not enter scanned text into the text view until the insert button is tapped.

Dismiss Keyboard Toolbar Button

A button, that when tapped will dismiss the keyboard.


Note: ScanTextField must have a frame height applied.



VStack {
    ScanTextField("Name", text: $name)
    ScanTextField("Company", text: $company)
    VStack {
        ScanTextField("Email Address", text: $email)
        ScanTextField("Phone Number", text: $phoneNumber)
    .frame(height: 60)


A replacement option for a SwiftUI TextEditor

New Style Options

Adds 3 style cases

  1. roundedBoder: a 1 pixel rounded border around the view
  2. roundedBoderWithBackground(color:): a 1pixel rounded barder with specified color background
  3. .plain: no style decoration applied (default)

Keyboard Toolbar Button

Adds keyboard Toolbar buttons.

Dismiss Keyboard Toolbar Button

A button, that when tapped will dismiss the keyboard.



VStack {
    HStack {
        ScanTextEditor("Example 1", text: $text)
            .frame(height: 120)
        ScanTextEditor("Example 2", text: $text2)
             .frame(height: 120)
        ScanTextEditor("Example 3", text: $text3)
            .frame(height: 120)


You can watch this YouTube tutorial to learn all about the scan to camera feature of iOS 15 along with the implementation of CTScanText and how you can modify the package to meet your own needs.


Swift Package Manager

CTScanText is SwiftPM-compatible.

To install, add this package to your Package.swift or your Xcode project.


Alternatives to SwiftUI TextField and TextEditor with additional features

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%