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Controller server error with cycloneDDS with nav2 stack

charlielito opened this issue · comments

I am trying to run the nav2 stack with the STVL in ros2 foxy. I was able to run everything smoothly with the default DDS.
Nonetheless, when using cycloneDDS, an error arises in the controller when initializing the local costmap plugins.

To reproduce it I just run:

export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
ros2 launch nav2_bringup params_file:=nav2_params.yaml

The error looks like the following:

[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.536367858][local_costmap.local_costmap]: 
[controller_server-1]   local_costmap lifecycle node launched. 
[controller_server-1]   Waiting on external lifecycle transitions to activate
[controller_server-1]   See for more information.
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.537550284][local_costmap.local_costmap]: Creating Costmap
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.545565721][controller_server]: Configuring controller interface
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.545893914][controller_server]: Controller frequency set to 20.0000Hz
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.545917231][local_costmap.local_costmap]: Configuring
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.548490687][local_costmap.local_costmap]: Using plugin "voxel_layer"
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.552205475][local_costmap.local_costmap]: Subscribed to Topics: scan semantic_scan
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.556169898][local_costmap.local_costmap]: Initialized plugin "voxel_layer"
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.556196861][local_costmap.local_costmap]: Using plugin "stvl_layer"
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.574677532][local_costmap.local_costmap]: stvl_layer being initialized as SpatioTemporalVoxelLayer!
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.574729328][local_costmap.local_costmap]: stvl_layer's global frame is odom.
[controller_server-1] [INFO][1616544103.575700693][local_costmap.local_costmap]: stvl_layer loaded parameters from parameter server.
[controller_server-1] [ERROR][1616544103.576399186][]: Caught exception in callback for transition 10
[controller_server-1] [ERROR][1616544103.576410856][]: Original error: could not create publisher: failed to create topic, at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp-0.7.6/src/rmw_node.cpp:1873, at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-rcl-1.1.10/src/rcl/publisher.c:180
[controller_server-1] [WARN][1616544103.576437685][]: Error occurred while doing error handling.
[controller_server-1] [FATAL][1616544103.576444115][controller_server]: Lifecycle node controller_server does not have error state implemented
[lifecycle_manager-6] [ERROR][1616544103.576903755][lifecycle_manager_navigation]: Failed to change state for node: controller_server
[lifecycle_manager-6] [ERROR][1616544103.576933129][lifecycle_manager_navigation]: Failed to bring up all requested nodes. Aborting bringup.

The nav2_params.yaml local costmap:

      update_frequency: 5.0
      publish_frequency: 2.0
      global_frame: odom
      robot_base_frame: chassis
      use_sim_time: True
      rolling_window: true
      width: 3
      height: 3
      resolution: 0.05
      robot_radius: 0.5
      plugins: ["voxel_layer", "stvl_layer", "inflation_layer"]
        plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer"
        cost_scaling_factor: 3.0
        inflation_radius: 0.4
        plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::VoxelLayer"
        enabled: True
        publish_voxel_map: True
        origin_z: 0.0
        z_resolution: 0.05
        z_voxels: 16
        max_obstacle_height: 4.0
        mark_threshold: 0
        observation_sources: scan
          topic: /scan
          max_obstacle_height: 4.0
          clearing: True
          marking: True
          data_type: "LaserScan"
        plugin: "spatio_temporal_voxel_layer/SpatioTemporalVoxelLayer" # For Galactic and later
        enabled: true
        voxel_decay: 15.
        decay_model: 0
        voxel_size: 0.05
        track_unknown_space: true
        max_obstacle_height: 2.0
        unknown_threshold: 15
        mark_threshold: 0
        update_footprint_enabled: true
        combination_method: 1
        origin_z: 0.0
        publish_voxel_map: true
        transform_tolerance: 0.2
        mapping_mode: false
        map_save_duration: 60.0
        observation_sources: pointcloud
          data_type: PointCloud2
          topic: /camera/depth/color/points
          marking: true
          clearing: true
          obstacle_range: 6.0
          min_obstacle_height: 0.2
          max_obstacle_height: 3.0
          expected_update_rate: 0.0
          observation_persistence: 0.0
          inf_is_valid: false
          voxel_filter: false
          clear_after_reading: true
          max_z: 7.0
          min_z: 0.1
          vertical_fov_angle: 0.8745
          horizontal_fov_angle: 1.048
          decay_acceleration: 15.0
          model_type: 0

This runs without errors if we omit the stvl_layer from plugins. This also runs well with the default DDS.

Is there any known issue with cycloneDDS?

Not sure, you'd have to debug more to see where the issue is coming from specifically, but I don't think there should be any issue with Cyclone vs FastDDS w.r.t. something this high level. Nothing immediately jumps out at me as being incorrect.

On my perception this error is caused by the implementation of the LifeCycle Nodes on the stack.

Caught exception in callback for transition 10

Apparently CycloneDDS is unable to handle this states and crash on try. This is just a guess, logs are not clear at all.

That would not be a good assumption, you should dig into it more. There’s nothing cyclone related with lifecycle nodes, that’s 3 level of abstraction above it.

Did you look at a backtrace or resolve this issue?

Did you look at a backtrace or resolve this issue?

No, there is no backtrace I can look at (at least I am aware of) and the logs don't help. Note that this crashes only when using stvl on the local costmap. It does not crash when specified in the global costmap

Please obtain a backtrace.

Closing - apparently an issue with Cyclone but not w.r.t. STVL