SteveClement / Ubuntu10.04_server_on_soekris_net5501-70_CF

Ubuntu10.04 server 32Bit on soekris net5501-70 with CompactFlash (CF) as storage device.

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a) Purpose of these scripts

These scripts are intended to run on a Soekris net5501-70 (512 MB RAM) embedded system 
with a 4 GB Compact Flash (CF) as storage device. 

Because NAND CF has "only" a write endurance of ~1,000,000 cycles per location, it 
is a good idea to swap highly used parts of the OS to a ramdisk/tmpfs. In this case /var.
Like this we can increase the CF lifetime and mount i.e. the root partition in read only.

As a little gadget the soekris GPIO error LED is activated when a script error occurs.
- Fast blinking error LED means: Fatal error, please investigate.
- Slow blinking error LED means: couldn't use tmpfs for data sync. It used CF instead. This is not good for the CF lifetime.
  This is only a warning and will be deactivate automatically by as soon as it has enough free 
  RAM again to use a tmpfs.

Note: Tests here were made with an Ubuntu10.04 server 32Bit on a Soekris net5501-70 system.

b) How to use these scripts

1) The CF partition scheme must consist of these partitions:
   /          #root tree partition, i.e. 3,5GB. 
               Mount options: noatime
   /var       #var partition, i.e. 200MB. 
               Mount options: nodev, nosuid, noatime
   /varbak    #varbak partition, i.e. 200MB. This is a helper partition for syncing data etc. 
               Mount options: nodev, nosuid, noatime, noexec

2) run "" once to prepare the OS for "" and "", for 
   soekris serial console, ... (optional) 

3) copy "" to /usr/local/sbin. This script is used by "" and "" 

4) copy "" to /usr/local/sbin and use /etc/rc.local to use it as startup script.
   Note: If you want to mount the root partition in read only, use rc.local. Otherwise 
         the script may disturb itself by accessing / while remounting / in read only.

5) copy "" to /usr/local/sbin and use it as cronjob and reboot/shutdown script 
         in order to save data from ramdisk/tmpfs back to CF. 
   Note: You need to place a symlink in /etc/rc0.d/ and /etc/rc6.d/ to use this script as 
         reboot/shutdown script. This is important because /sbin/init invokes the scripts 
         in /etc/rc[06].d/ with the "stop" argument. This argument is recognized by this 
         script in order to config itself.

c) Brief overview about the tasks that these scripts accomplish

   - set kernel parameters
   - deactivate  "multiverse" and "universe" repos to save ~60MB in /var/lib/apt/lists/

   - check for errors (/var/err), else activate error LED and quit
   - create logfile mount points for and itself
   - mount logfile tmpfs
   - create logfile
   - check if /var and /varbak are partitions
   - get list of processes which are accessing /var
   - stop/kill those proccesses
   - clean /var/cache
   - create /varbak/{run,lock}
   - sync /varbak/{run,lock} (CF) with /var/{run,lock} (tmpfs)
   - unmount /var/{run,lock} (tmpfs)
   - sync /varbak (CF) with /var (CF)
   - if ramdisk /dev/ram0 is used, format it and turn its fsck on/off
   - mount ramdisk/tmpfs on /var
   - sync /var (ramdisk/tmpfs) with /varbak (CF)
   - start processess again
   - save tmpfs logfile to /var/log/var2rd.log
   - unmount logfile tmpfs
   - call to create error_led and gpio node
   - turn on/off / fsck

   - check for errors (/var/err), else activate error LED and quit
   - check if tmpfs logfile mount point exists
   - mount logfile tmpfs  
   - create logfile
   - check if /dev/ram0 or tmpfs is mounted on /var
   - check if /var and /varbak are partitions
   - get list of processes which are accessing /var
   - stop/kill those proccesses
   - if enough free RAM, use a tmpfs to sync data between /var (ramdisk/tmpfs) and /varbak (tmpfs)
     if not enough free RAM, use /varbak (CF) to sync data
   - clean /var/cache
   - sync /varbak (CF/tmpfs) with /var (ramdisk/tmpfs)
   - unmount /var (ramdisk/tmpfs)
   - sync /var (CF) with /varbak (CF/tmpfs)
   - mount ramdisk/tmpfs on /var again if needed
   - start processess again if needed
   - unmount logfile tmpfs

   - load GPIO kernel modules
   - create error LED nod
   - create GPIO nod
   - de-/activate error LED

d) PXE installation of Ubuntu10.04 server 32Bit on Soekris net5501-70

NOTE: The following steps where tested with a Ubuntu10.04 Desktop 32Bit system.

1) Serial connection to net5501

   1.1) Install minicom:

        > apt-get install minicom

   1.2) Use these configurations for /etc/minicom/minirc.dfl:

        pu port             /dev/ttyUSB0
        pu baudrate         19200
        pu bits             8
        pu parity           N
        pu stopbits         1
        pu rtscts           No
        pu zauto            C

        Note:  - The default baud rate of the net5501 is:  19200
               - Soekris doesn't support any kind of Flow Control. 
               - I used a USB to Serial adapter (/dev/ttyUSB). If you use a
                 COM slot adapt it to /dev/ttyS?

  1.3) Connect to net5501:

       > minicom
  1.4) comBIOS update:

       Note: Without an update it is probable that the comBIOS will not recognize newer Compact Flash cards.

       Now that we have a connection, we want to update the comBIOS.

       Download newest comBIOS:

       Look here for an update how to:

       As we have just configured "minicom", I recommend to use it here, too.

2) DHCP server

   2.1) Install DHCP server:
        > apt-get install dhcp3-server

   2.2) Config DHCP server:
        2.2.1) Append the following lines to /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf and adapt addresses to your needs:
        subnet netmask {
            option broadcast-address;
            option routers;
            option domain-name-servers;

        host soekris {
           # tftp client/soekris hardware address
           hardware ethernet 00:00:24:??:??:??;
           filename "pxelinux.0";
        2.2.2) Define your NIC in /etc/default/dhcp3-server

   2.3) Start dhcp server

        > /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start

3) TFTP server

   3.1) Install TFTP server:

        > apt-get install tftpd-hpa

4) INETD server

   4.1) Install INETD server:
        > apt-get install openbsd-inetd      
   4.2) Config INETD server:

        Append this line to /etc/inetd.conf

        tftp           dgram   udp     wait    root  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot 

   4.3) Start INETD server:

        > /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd start

5) netboot.tar.gz

   5.1) Download file:
        > wget
   5.2) Extract file:

        > tar xzfv netboot.tar.gz -C /var/lib/tftpboot/

   5.3) Config installer:

       5.3.1) var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg must look like this:
       CONSOLE 0
       SERIAL 0 19200 0
       include ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/menu.cfg
       default ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/vesamenu.c32
       prompt 0
       timeout 0

       5.3.2) /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/text.cfg must look like this:

       default install
         label install
           menu label ^Install
           menu default
           kernel ubuntu-installer/i386/linux
           append tasks=server vga=normal initrd=ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz -- console=ttyS0,19200 noplymouth
         label cli
           menu label ^Command-line install
           kernel ubuntu-installer/i386/linux
           append tasks=standard pkgsel/language-pack-patterns= pkgsel/install-language-support=false vga=normal initrd=ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz -- console=ttyS0,19200
       NOTE: - "tasks=server" in the "append" line tells the installer to install a Ubuntu server. Use "tasksel --list-tasks" 
               to get other options for tasks=...
             - Dont't forget to append "console=ttyS0,19200"
             - noplymouth turns of the grafical Boot Splash


6) Soekris and PXE

   Note: These 2 comBIOS parameters must be set as follows, otherwise the net5501 won't boot from PXE.

     - PCIROMS = Enabled                                                             
     - PXEBoot = Enabled 

   Note: Typ "show" in comBIOS prompt to see all comBIOS settings.

   6.1) Boot from PXE:

        > boot F0

        Now, at the "boot:" prompt typ:

        > install

        That's the name of the "label" in /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/text.cfg

        Note: At the beginning of the installation it is likely that you won't see any output for a while (~ 10-15 min.).
              But this will normally change and the system download will start.
        Note: Don't forget to use the partition scheme mentioned above.
        Note: After the installation the OS doesn't start automatically from CF.

        To start it manually, typ:

        > boot 80        

        Note: 80 = 1. dev.

        This of course only works if the CF is the Primary Master device. 
        To verify that, watch the net5501 boot screen (Pri Mas):

        0512 Mbyte Memory                        CPU Geode LX 500 Mhz                  
        Pri Mas  SanDisk CompactFlash 200x       LBA Xlt 971-128-63  3917 Mbyte

        AND in the comBIOS settings check this option by entering "show":

        FLASH = Primary

        - Workaround to let Soekris automatically boot from CF: 

        Set the following option after entering the comBIOS monitoring mode (press CTRL+P at boot time)

        > set BootDrive=80 80 F0

        Note: - 80 = 1. device
              - 81 = 2. device
              - F0 = PXE

        Note: Default is:  BootDrive=80 81 F0 FF

That's it.  


Ubuntu10.04 server 32Bit on soekris net5501-70 with CompactFlash (CF) as storage device.