StephenKoller / flash

⚡️Speedy fleet insurance claims management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🦸‍⚡ Flash

Manage your vehicle fleet, see aggregate and individual commercial vehicle insurance policy information.

Installation / Use

  1. git clone
  2. npm i --only=prod && npm run start
  3. http://localhost:3000/

Code Test Instructions

Provide the following:

  1. data structure for a single car:
  • id
  • year
  • make
  • model
  • purchase value
  • VIN
  • license plate state
  • license plate number
  1. data structure for aggregate metrics:
  • total count
  • count by year
  • total purchase price
  1. method to take in list of cars, return aggregate data
  2. design data structure or method to provide quick lookups by VIN
  3. design simple UI to display the results of numbers three and four
  4. provide response to another design question. *see section below

Note on #4

Design a data structure/method to provide quick lookups for automobiles by VIN.

My first thought was to implement a hash table for lightning-fast lookups by a unique id, until I realized that "In JavaScript (see also JSON), all objects behave as associative arrays with string-valued keys..." source: Wikipedia.

Therefore, my solution was to structure the vehicles data as a large JSON object, using the VIN as the key.

Additionally, by maintaining a consistent data shape to the vehicle objects, we can rely upon V8's performance optimizations using Shapes and Inline Caches under the hood.

My very un-scientific results show a roughly O(n) lookup time:

Vehicle Count Time to GET vehicle by VIN (ms)
100 5
1,000 31
10,000 315
100,000 3102

Answer to #6

How would you design a data structure/method to provide sorted lists of car data structures by property field?

A memoized function returning the results of a hand-rolled method using Array.sort should be sufficient. V8 uses the Tim Sort algorithm to power Array.sort, which is pretty impressive - adaptive, stable, O(n) memory and O(n log n) time in the worst case.


memoizedSortByProperty (arrayOfCars, sortProperty)
  if(memoized result) return memoized result

  sortedArrayByProperty = arrayOfCars.sort((a, b) => {
    if a[sortProperty] < b[sortProperty] {
      return -1
    if a[sortProperty] > b[sortProperty] {
      return 1
    return 0

  memoized result = sortedArrayByProperty

  return sortedArrayByProperty

Personal Goals

keep it m i n i m a l


  • too many external packages / setup
  • transpilation (React, TypeScript)
  • bundlers (Webpack & friends)
  • client-side rendering / SPA frameworks

Topics not touched on:

  • security (XSS, CORS, input sanitization, helmet)
  • containerization
  • databases
  • extensive testing (e2e, integration)
  • UX and visual design

Tools used

Package Reason
node JavaScript on the server
express API & routing
path relative file path munging
pug JS templating
fs file I/O
body-parser parsing form data
jest unit testing
json-schema schema validation for car / aggregate data structures
faker / randexp / uuid random data generation
morgan simple server logging middleware
lodash countBy, sample collection utils
eslint / prettier DX - code linting / formatting
eslint-config-airbnb decent default lint config


⚡️Speedy fleet insurance claims management


Language:JavaScript 96.5%Language:HTML 2.9%Language:CSS 0.5%