Bootstrapped by the Very Good CLI 🤖
A RankGroup interview assignment.
- Capture card details manually and via scanning (Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV, Card Holder)
- Infer card type /provider
- Capture card storing sessions, by date and time
This project contains 3 flavors:
- development
- staging
- production
To run the desired flavor either use the launch configuration in VSCode/Android Studio or use the following commands:
# Development
$ flutter run --flavor development --target lib/main_development.dart
# Staging
$ flutter run --flavor staging --target lib/main_staging.dart
# Production
$ flutter run --flavor production --target lib/main_production.dart
*Card Check works on iOS, Android, Web, and Windows.
To run all unit and widget tests use the following command:
$ dart test /file name under test folder