StefanoChiodini / ingswAM2021-Calderonio-Carollo-Chiodini

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prova Finale di Ingegneria del Software - AA 2020-2021

Implementation of Maestri del Rinascimento board game.

The target of this project is to realize a distributed system where there are only one server and several clients that communicate with this server through sockets. We used the pattern MVC (Model-View-Controller) to realize the global structure of the project. In particular in our case the view send a message to the controller, then the controller checks the message and if it is valid we call some model methods to change the state of the game. When the state changes the controller notifies one or more views and then waits another message from the view.



We have uploaded some UML diagrams in deliveries folder. Here you can see three type of diagrams

  • Initial UML class diagram of model; we realized it with StarUML.
  • Final UML class diagram of model; we generated it automatically with IntelliJ
  • UML NetworkDiagrams: these diagrams contain all the messages that are sent between client and server in all possible situation of the game. We insert for each game action a sequence diagram and the Gson format of the message that must be sent through the network.


We don't have uploaded Javadoc because gitHub doesn't rendering them correctly. We have a Javadoc folder in our local pc and we could show them when you want. We write Javadoc of all classes and methods.


To check the correct behavior of the game we have realized a lot of tests (about 400 tests) with the help of Junit tool achieving excellent coverage results:

  • 95% of class coverage.
  • 77% of method coverage.
  • 85% of code lines coverage.


  • Maven: this is a tool to automate the compiling phase of a java project.
  • JavaFx: this is a graphical library used to create user interface.
  • Scene builder: an IDE that allows you to avoid the manual creation of an FXML file.
  • Json: it allows to send data or objects between different components of a software system.
  • JUnit: unit testing framework.



  • complete rules
  • CLI
  • GUI
  • Socket
  • 2 FA(advanced functionality): local single game and multiple game

The first one allow to play a single game without server; the last one allow to play several games at the same time. Indeed we have created a lobby and the server manages every player to create multiple games.



For this project we have realized only one jar and we did it with the help of Maven Shade Plugin. We have already created and uploaded this jar file in a specific GitHub folder but if you want to generate it independently you can do it with the command mvn -> Lifecycle -> package.


We have only one jar file that can be launched in different ways: according to input parameter we can start it in server mode, client GUI or CLI mode, local client GUI or CLI mode.

All the initialization parameters are in order:

  • jar mode initialization: it could be server, client, localClient
  • port number
  • ip number: it could be or a generic public ip
  • visualization mode: GUI or CLI

These are the five possible configurations to launch the jar from cmd or wsl:

Server mode

java -jar AM30.jar server 1234 null randomString

Client GUI mode

java -jar AM30.jar client 1234 -GUI

Client CLI mode

java -jar AM30.jar client 1234 -CLI

Local Client GUI mode

java -jar AM30.jar localClient 0 null -GUI

Local Client CLI mode

java -jar AM30.jar localClient 0 null -CLI


1.In cmd or wsl if you want to launch the jar file you have to move in the folder where the jar is saved; for example cd desktop if you saved the jar into desktop folder.

2.There are two ways to play in CLI mode. In the first case you have to use a wsl terminal for client and server. In the second case you can use a cmd terminal, but first you need to activate the ansi colors for Windows terminal with this key register:

reg add hkcu\console /f /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1

You can copy this in cmd or create and open a .bat file with this code line. Now you can launch the jar file from cmd with any configuration.

3.If you want to play in GUI mode you can't use wsl terminal, you can use windows cmd without any problems.

4.The number port could be different from 1234 but must be the same when you launch the server mode and client mode.

5.The IP number could be if you want to play an online game on a single pc with different terminals. Instead if you want to play an online game using different pc you could insert your public Ip address(port forwarding) or insert the Ip of a remote Amazon server. For example in our project we can use both port forwarding, or the ip number that is the ip of an amazon server.

6.The three parameters 0, randomString and null are ignored, so you could write what you want but it is important that they are not empty.

To automate the launch of jar we create some .bat file(you can find them here) but they only work if the jar and all bat files are in your desktop folder. Sometimes could be necessary change the initialization parameters into the bat file to launch the jar correctly; for example you have to update the ip or the server port.




Language:Java 100.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%