StaticallyTypedRice / Ubuntu-Multipartition-Encrypted

Tutorial for moving /home and swap space to separate partitions on Ubuntu, while keeping them integrated with Ubuntu's full disk encryption feature. CURRENTLY NOT YET FINISHED.

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Ubuntu Multipartition Encrypted tutorial

This is a tutorial on how to move /home and swap space to either separate partitions or separate drives, and integrate them into Ubuntu's full disk encryption feature.

This tutorial was prompted by me wanting to do just that, but finding that there was no complete tutorial directly aimed at Ubuntu based systems. The instructions here were compiled from various tutorials I found during my research.

Disclaimer: I am not a Linux expert and I cannot make any guarantees that the instructions in this tutorial will always result in a securely encrypted system, or that the instructions are up to date. Please use at your own risk. I am not responsible for security breaches or damage to your software or hardware.

This tutorial has multiple stages, each on its own markdown file and identified by a number at the start of the file name. Follow them in order.

Click here to get started!


Tutorial for moving /home and swap space to separate partitions on Ubuntu, while keeping them integrated with Ubuntu's full disk encryption feature. CURRENTLY NOT YET FINISHED.