A collection of links to creative or experimental projects written using Jetpack Compose
with a specific focus on UI
- compose-samples - Collection of Jetpack Compose Samples
- MotionCompose - Various demonstrations of animations
- Konfetti - Add confetti anywhere with Compose 🎊
- neumorphic-compose - An experimentation of Neumorphism UI
- tivi - Real world example project that showcases Compose and many best practices
- Jet Composer - Various demonstrations of UIs and animations
- Jetpack Compose animations - Various examples of animations
- Dropdown - Animated menu dropdown
- DinoCompose - A Chrome T-Rex game
- compose-fractal-nav - Fractal/recursive navigation system
- Cosmic Compose - A mini Solar System built with Canvas and Jetpack Compose
- Shader Showcase - Varioius demonstrations of OpenGL-based Shaders
- veneer - Display simulated vineer on views using the accelerometer
- shimmer - Animated shimmer effect
- heart-switch - A heart-shaped toggle switch
- SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView - Swipeable list items
- SSJetPackComposeProgressButton - Buttons that collapse to show progress
- ComposeClock - Animated particle clock
- PaletteCompose - A demonstration of using the palette APIs together with Coil
- Orbitary - A library for creating transformations, movement, and shared element animations
- sketchbook-compose - A library for drawing paths and images on a canvas
- Compose Charts - Draw and animate charts
- Compose-Ratingbar - Rating bar
- InfoBar Compose - A Snackbar-like InfoBar without the need for Scaffold, SnackbarHost / SnackbarHostState
- Custom compose sliders - Highly customizable sliders and tracks
- Dark-Toggle-Button-Sample-Jetpack-Compose - Animated dark mode toggle button
- compose-games - Wordle and Snake games built with Compose
- Doom Compose - Doom fire animation
- Flippable - A customizable flip animation to flip your Composable views
- AnagramAnimation - Animating characters in anagrams
- Radix-Calculator - Radix calculator built with Compose
- androidx-colorpicker - Color pickers (one built with Views + one built with Compose)
- breakout-compose - Breakout game built with Compose