Stan-l-e-y / COMP3104_Group22_Assignment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Stanley - added a commit from my personal branch Julio - Added a comiit

Jordon - adding first commit to personal branch -> Commit 1 Jordon - Commited and added file about George Brown to personal branch - commit 2 Jordon - Updated README - commit 3 Jordon - Added file about the devops course - commit 4 Jordon - Updated README again - commit 5 Jordon - Added file about the importance of DEVOPS in SDLC - commit 6 Jordon - Updated README again - commit 7 Jordon - Updated file about devops to include more information - commit 8 Jordon - Updated README file once more - commit 9 Jordon - Updating README one final time before commit and merge - Commit 10

Jordon - SID: 100740151

Joseph - Added a commit from my branch
