StCieslicki / mozart

Developers tool for WordPress plugins: Wraps all your projects dependencies in your own namespace, in order to prevent conflicts with other plugins loading the same dependencies in different versions.

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Composes all dependencies as a package inside a WordPress plugin. Load packages through Composer and have them wrapped inside your own namespace. Gone are the days when plugins could load conflicting versions of the same package, resulting in hard to reproduce bugs.

This package requires PHP 7.1 or higher in order to run the tool. You can use the resulting files as a bundle, requiring any PHP version you like, even PHP 5.2.

Warning: This package is very experimental and breaking changes are very likely until version 1.0.0 is tagged. Use with caution, always wear a helmet when using this in production environments.


Install through Composer, only required in development environments:

composer require coenjacobs/mozart --dev

This gives you a bin file named mozart inside your vendor/bin directory, after loading the whole package inside your project. Try running vendor/bin/mozart to verify it works.

After configuring Mozart properly, the mozart compose command does all the magic.


Mozart requires little configuration. All you need to do is tell it where the bundled dependencies are going to be stored and what namespace they should be put inside. This configuration needs to be done in the extra property of your composer.json file:

"extra": {
    "mozart": {
        "dep_namespace": "CoenJacobs\\TestProject\\Dependencies\\",
        "dep_directory": "/src/Dependencies/",
        "classmap_directory": "/classes/dependencies/",
        "classmap_prefix": "CJTP_",
        "packages": [

The following configuration values are required:

  • dep_namespace defines the root namespace that each package will be put in. Example: Should the package we're loading be using the Pimple namespace, then the package will be put inside the CoenJacobs\\TestProject\\Dependencies\\Pimple namespace, when using the configuration example above.
  • dep_directory defines the directory the files of the package will be stored in. Note that the directory needs to correspond to the namespace being used in your autoloader and the namespace defined for the bundled packages. Best results are achieved when your projects are using the PSR-4 autoloader specification.
  • classmap_directory defines the directory files that are being autoloaded through a classmap, will be stored in. Note that this directory needs to be autoloaded by a classmap in your projects autoloader.
  • classmap_prefix defines the prefix that will be applied to all classes inside the classmap of the package you bundle. Say a class named Pimple and the defined prefix of CJTP_ will result in the class name CJTP_Pimple.
  • packages is an array that defines the packages that need to be processed by Mozart. The array requires the slugs of packages in the same format as provided in your composer.json. Mozart will automatically rewrite dependencies of these packages as well. You don't need to add dependencies of these packages to the list.

Important: Since Mozart automatically processes the full dependency tree of the packages you specify, you need to specify all these configuration options, because you can't reliably determine what kind of autoloaders are being used in the full dependency tree. A package way down the tree might suddenly use a classmap autoloader for example. Make sure you also include the namespace directory and classmap directory in your own autoloader, so they are always loaded.

After Composer has loaded the packages as defined in your composer.json file, you can now run mozart compose and Mozart will bundle your packages according to the above configuration. It is recommended to dump the autoloader after Mozart has finished running, in case there are new classes or namespaces generated that aren't included in the autoloader yet.


Mozart is designed to install and be forgotten about. Using Composer scripts, the Mozart script can be run as soon as Composer either installs a new package, or updates an already installed one. This ensures that the packages you want to bundle, are always bundled in the latest installed version, automatically. These scripts also offer you the possibility to script dumping the autoloader, after Mozart is finished running:

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [
        "\"vendor/bin/mozart\" compose",
        "composer dump-autoload"
    "post-update-cmd": [
        "\"vendor/bin/mozart\" compose",
        "composer dump-autoload"


Developers tool for WordPress plugins: Wraps all your projects dependencies in your own namespace, in order to prevent conflicts with other plugins loading the same dependencies in different versions.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%