St-Pardon / seefood

A simple Real-Time chatbot application for ordering hotdogs and "Not Hotdogs" delicacies. built with Node and

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Real-Time resturant chatbot application to assist customers in placing orders for their preferred meals.



An application to simplyfy the ability for customers to order from the response by sending options and the backend would have a chat app that would respond to the options in real-time.


A project submitted in partial fulfilment of Higher Diploma Certification in Software Engineering at AltSchool Africa.

To join AltSchool Africa, join the waitlist and when the application is open be sure to use the code ALT/SOE/022/1344 as referral to get discount.

Getting Started


To succefully run and test this application, you'll be needing the following:

  • Web Browser - A application to help you interact with the frontend (e.g chrome, edge, opera)
  • Node - A javascript runtime enviroment
  • IDE/Text Editor - An application to allow you interact with the source code (e.g VS code, atom, sublime text, emacs)
  • CLI - Command Line Interface to enable you clone and start the server on your local machine (e.g terminal for mac, git bash, WSL or CMD for windows)


To start up the application, follow the following steps

  • Step 1: Open your terminal/CLI
  • Step 2: Clone the repository
    git clone
  • Step 3: Navigate into the project directory/folder
    cd seefood/
  • Step 4: Switch to the dev branch to run locally
    git checkout dev
  • Step 5: Install all the project dependencies
    npm install
  • Step 6: Start the server
    npm start
  • Step 7: Open the url displayed on the terminal in your web browser and explore the application


The application is really simple to use, but for better understanding, here is a walk through

  • Firstly, lauch locally or use the deployed demo. You'll land on a page to provide basic identification.

  • When your Name and Username have been provided, you'll be redirected to the chat interface with a welcome message and some instruction on how to engage.

  • You can get started by clicking on the prompt corresponding to your need or typing it directly into the input field.

  • When an input is typed or prompt clicked, the user immediately gets a response from the bot. if the input is correct the right response is displayed and when the input is wrong, an error message is displayed.

  • When a food is selected, the user is prompted to either confirm or cancel the order.


The tasks expected to be achieved for the project are included here


The tools use in making the application includes

  • Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
  • Server: Node,, Express, Nodemon, dotenv
  • Editor: VS Code
  • Version Control: Git and Github


Application is live at SeeFood ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€


Onu Onyedikachi P.


Coming Soon


A simple Real-Time chatbot application for ordering hotdogs and "Not Hotdogs" delicacies. built with Node and


Language:JavaScript 73.7%Language:CSS 13.6%Language:HTML 12.7%