Srog1989 / sql-crowdfunding-lab-onl01-seng-pt-070620

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Crowdfunding SQL

Learning Goals

  • Identify table example
  • Create a new table, records, and queries

Identify Table Example

SQL is a programming language that allows you to "nest" statements inside each other. Let's quickly consider an example using grocery data.

Create a Grocery Table

CREATE TABLE groceries (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, quantity INTEGER, aisle INTEGER);

INSERT INTO groceries VALUES (1, "Apples", 2, 1);
INSERT INTO groceries VALUES (2, "Oranges", 4, 2);
INSERT INTO groceries VALUES(3, "Peaches", 6, 3);

Selecting Data from the Grocery Table

Given the example SQL above, we'd be able to run a query like

SELECT * FROM groceries;

And get back the inserted data (represented in a table below)

id                 name        quantity      aisle
------------    ----------  ----------  ----------  
1                Apples          2          1
2                Oranges         4          2
3                Peaches         6          3


SUM will return the total of the column you select. In this case, the total number of items in the groceries column is 12.

SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM groceries;



To make it a little more useful we can GROUP BY the aisle that the items are in and ORDER BY the sum of the aisle.

SELECT aisle, SUM(quantity) FROM groceries GROUP BY aisle ORDER BY SUM(quantity);


aisle    SUM(quantity)
-------  --------------
1           2
2           4
3           6


In this lab, you have two tasks - first, you will need to create three tables in lib/create.sql, and populate them with data in lib/insert.sql. Then, you will need to write the necessary SQL statements inside the methods in lib/sql_queries.rb that would allow you to query data from your newly created tables.

Create New Table, Records and Queries

Now we're going to create a schema based on the following information:

  • A project has a title, a category, a funding goal, a start date, and an end date.
  • A user has a name and an age
  • A pledge has an amount. It belongs to a user, and it also belongs to a project.

Create the Tables

In the create.sql file, model your tables. You should have a table for projects, users, and pledges.

Insert Records into Database

Within the insert.sql file, insert 10 projects, 20 users, and 30 pledges into the database.

Write the Queries

Write SQL queries as strings in lib/sql_queries in each of the provided methods.

Run learn as you go and read the test messages for additional guidance.


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Language:Ruby 100.0%