Srinivas-Natarajan / Sparks-Foundation-Tasks

A collection of my solutions for the tasks given by the Sparks Foundation for my position as a Data Analyst and Business Intelligence position.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A collection of of the solutions for the tasks given by the Sparks Foundation

Task-1: Supervised Machine Learning

Predicting student scores based on the number of hours they studied

Training Line Test Line

Task-2: Unsupervised Machine Learning

Identifying the ideal number of clusters for the IRIS dataset and clustering the data using K-means



Task-3: Creating a dashboard for a sales dataset

Power BI link:

Task-4: Creating a dashboard for a Terrorist Attack dataset

Power BI link:


A collection of my solutions for the tasks given by the Sparks Foundation for my position as a Data Analyst and Business Intelligence position.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%