SrCrow02 / Discord-Bot-V14

A Discord bot on API V14

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create Discord Bot

A module-based Discord bot template.

Getting started

Register a Discord bot application

  1. Go to Discord's Developer Portal.

  2. Create a new application.

    Take note of the APPLICATION ID on the General Information tab page. You will need it to invite the bot to your server in step 5.

  3. Go to the Bot tab and add a bot user to your application.

    Take note of the TOKEN on the Bot tab page. You will need it in step 3 of the next section.

    Keep your token and any file containing it private. If it ever leaks or you suspect it may have leaked, simply regenerate a new token to invalidate your compromised token.

  4. While in the Bot tab, scroll down to the Privileged Gateway Intents section and enable the toggles for both Presence Intent and Server Members Intent. More information on Gateway Intents can be found here:

  5. Lastly, invite the bot to your server using the following link template:

Create a Discord bot project

  1. Run the following commands to bootstrap a Discord bot project in your working directory:

    Replace bot-discord in the commands below with your own preferred project name!

    git clone
    cd bot-discord
    npm i
  2. in config.json put your Token, Bot id and Server ID:

        "prefix": "PREFIX",
        "token": "BOT_PREFIX",
        "botID": "ID_BOT",
        "serverID": "ID_SERVER", 
        "staff": [
  3. Lastly, run the following command to start the bot:

    node index.js

    Verify the bot is running properly by sending messages in your server. The bot should log these messages in your terminal. If there are any issues, check Troubleshooting.

You're ready to create your own Discord bot! 🎉


  • Remove bots in your server that may conflict in functionality, e.g. multiple reaction role bots.
  • Use Git Bash instead of the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) if you are on Windows.
  • Check that your:
    • node version is =>16.11.0 by running node -v.
    • npm version is >=7.0.0 by running npm -v.
  • If running the application outputs:
    • Error: Cannot find module '...', try running npm i in the project directory.
    • DiscordAPIError: Missing Permissions, verify your bot has the correct Manage permissions.


A Discord bot on API V14


Language:JavaScript 100.0%